MovieChat Forums > JepGambardella

JepGambardella (469)


If anyone is interested in the real story on which the movie is based... Somebody explain Season 4 to me please (spoilers) Reading the French graphic novel series A couple of questions (minor spoilers I suppose) S2E6 - Plot hole Pretty good thriller Is there any science fiction screenwriter who knows how BIG space is? So why did the ... (SPOILERS) Were those real experts or actors? Would Otto REALLY ... (spoiler) View all posts >


And whispering! Don’t forget the whispering. Not anymore, fortunately… … since it is now finally over! Zendaya is black? Since when? I have only read the first book so far (there are three in total). The first book ends where episode five ends. Episodes 6-8 apparently have bits taken from books 2 and 3. That fits with our current understanding of the laws of physics. What "anti-Chinese" propaganda did you see in the TV show that was not present in the book? I have read the book and I have just finished watching the show and the only negative depictions of China that I saw (the brutality and the depravity of the Cultural Revolution) were also present in the book, only even more prominent. Interesting. I hate shaky cam as well but in this movie I didn’t even notice it. Am I getting used to it maybe? I didn't read anything about it being a remake, but the concept is certainly not new. Just don't ask me to list other TV shows or movies with similar premises, as I can't remember a particular example. Make sure you buy two copies, in case the first one gets damaged. I honestly do not remember anything about the episode other than the scene where Homer tries to change the channel by shooting at the TV. View all replies >