MovieChat Forums > ADBruno1985

ADBruno1985 (3328)


latest rumors should it be the last? just saw it death of *spoiler warning* I don't think the cult will happen ranking the seasons meh what if this show had been first? finale 9x09 View all posts >


^I feel like that won't actually happen, but I'm with you on both counts, that'd be awesome. And it'd be cool to have it be someone from outside the circle of suspicion. However, that kind of reveal, where they don't show her at all until then, would also make the movie lose something that gives them rewatch value: Going back and trying to figure out which killer is behind the mask in certain scenes based on who else is in the scene. Agreed. They try their best to connect them to previous stories. Nancy was always a figure in some way in Billy's life, and Sidney knew her too, presumably many others did, even though she wasn't shown until 2. Roman was revealed to be the puppetmaster behind it all, lurking in the background, involved in Maureen's death, but not shown until 3. Sidney probably spent lots of time with Kate and Jill growing up, though never mentioned or seen until 4. They put Amber in Stu's house. Richie's family of course existed prior to 6. I feel like 6 hinted at a possibility of Gale becoming Ghost Face "some day." But I just can't see her going after Sidney. Maybe Ghost Face will turn out to be the twins, as a way of branching them off from the Carpenter sisters. Say they killed them off-screen even. Heck, could even do all that and have Ghost Face be Sam and Tara's mom. Willie is short for Wilhelmina. Probably not that uncommon of a name for when she was born, likely early 1900s. You make a lot of valid points, but I still enjoy the movie. To build on your point about the story being told in a different way. What has always bugged me about this adventure is that it just sort of *happens* to him on his way from escaping another adventure. He has little narrative autonomy. He literally just crash lands into the story. In the rest of them, he actively sought something out. -g supernatural stalker moments. It bums me out that the three most recent seasons are my least, in that order. So I hope next season turns it around and returns to form. I for one would like a season about werewolves, maybe in a winter setting, I feel like those are among the few things the show's not done yet. But, even when complaining, I still enjoyed Delicate more than I wanted to watch anything else in that time slot If you're unwilling to put in the time to finish it in its entirety, you don't really have much point beyond it not being for you. And yes, the kids are annoying, AJ more so, but he was meant to reflect what Tony disliked in himself How dare you put that spoiler in the comments?! Maybe they haven't seen Big Bang Theory yet either! Good little catch, thank you. Maybe we need a follow-up movie about Amy ;) LMAO. Troll. I don't believe for a second that someone who's so invested as to be mad about it being a "spoiler." We knew it was coming since before the show even began. They wanted to be sure to expose me to the good stuff. They also showed me Halloween, The Fog, A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Birds, and so on. I agree with you. Also, yeah, a very generational preference. People who don't like it today don't like it because it's lame and not thrilling. You need to put yourself in the mindset of the day. Anyone who was around for its release and didn't like it, that I've encountered, thought it was "too much" and they just "don't care for those kinds of movies." You won't hear someone from back then saying they don' like it because it's underwhelming. Fwiw I was born in 1985, I'm just a huge film buff. But I remember when I was around 10 and getting into scary stuff, my parents rented me a VHS copy of this. Watched it with popcorn, and all the lights off. Maybe a candle or two lit. Set the stage, make it spooky. I've loved it ever since, and have it on dvd, along with many other Hitchcock films. Mixed on the sequels. Loved the Bates Motel series even though I initially thought it sounded like a poor idea View all replies >