whatwazdat's Posts

There was a man who was born inside the Matrix... question. Who else hates poop in movies? Like being fooled by a VHS cover in the 90's Car chase into river was a bit contrived... Lost interest after contrived drama of first 2 episodes Why were they worried about their "jobs?" Did Marty the magician die? LOL! That twist ending was better than anything M. Night has ever done... Liz emailing as Amy question... S04E02 "Negative Reaction" question... I knew celebrities can be shallow, but dang... Scully's season 10 voice started in this movie... Would like to travel back in time and eliminate the people who started MTV Real World... My children, "I thought kick to the head was illegal?" I thought it was about Trans. Lets say you had no choice but to jump... Oh yeah, it's 2023, and I'm bumping this! What other movie or TV Show has featured the song, "wide horizon" by pierre arvay? So Mattel has always known that their toys.... The most unrealistic aspect of this movie...