Information-Police's Replies

Only a Trump boot-licker would say that, yes he committed 34 felonies, beyond a reasonable doubt, but that's cool with me because it was a while ago. If 34 felony convictions make you more likely to vote for Trump, you aren't a moderate Do you care what the crimes were? It's easy enough to read about it and there are several other "what were the crime" posts here. If you claim you don't know, then you don't want to know If you want to believe that all he did was pay off a porn star that he had sex with while his young bride and newborn son were home, and who sends out AI images of him praying in a church pew, that's cool I must have forgotten about when Hillary Clinton mobilized an insurrection to attack the Capitol to keep her opponent from being elected and conspired in servers setting states to submit fake electors. Do you have a link to that? Trump refusing the results of the 2020 Election is the banana Republic stuff Truth! Plus 0.01% Russian botsfarmers, too If Biden wanted to be involved, why did the DOJ drop this investigation. And since when do we question the bringing of charges when synergistic committed felony offense and had been convicted in a fair trial? Falsifying tax records, election finance fraud. The best response! Food for thought: Recent poll showed that among those who get their news mainly from news papers, Biden leads by 45%! Among those who get their news from network news, Biden leads by 25 % Trump leads song people who get their news on social media and his biggest margin was among those who don't follow any news. That's a big problem Ok, he was punished for that. But sexual assault? No crime is settling with her, right? Do you want to count all of Trump's NDA' s with women who accused him of sexual assault against him and being him to justice? Trump as been breaking the law for decades. He has always managed to wear down the opposition with appeals and counter lawsuits until he gets a favorable settlement. I grew up in NY and I've been hearing about his crap for a long time. Do you know about his deal for the Commodore Hotel, back in the 70s? He agreed to acquire the run down hotel on the verge of bankruptcy. They City wanted it done because they were promoting redevelopment and they wanted to increase the tax base. They gave Trump a 40 year tax break as long as the hotel was losing money. When it went into the black, Trump would pay taxes. So, as soon as the hotel (renamed the Grand Hyatt New York) started turning a profit, the Trump Org started keeping two sets of books, making it look like it was still losing money. It is estimated that this trick had robbed NYC of over $400 million. When the City caught on, they prosecuted for back taxes. Trump stalled, delayed, counter sued. When he was finally brought in to court he claimed that all the business records for the hotel were destroyed in a flood. Coincidentally, all the copies of the business records at another location had also been destroyed in a flood. The city, tired of years of court battles offered a settlement for a small fraction of what was owed. This is but one example the kind of shit he has gotten away with for years. Now, he's been losing cases. Trump Foundation. Trump University. Tax fraud in NY. E Jean Carrol defamation. 38 felony convictions. About 60 more in the courts to come once the Republicans take their thumbs off of the scales of justice. "He's expressing a healthy criticism of the case, legitimately questioning confusing aspects of it, which is what the jurors should have done." The jurors weren't confused. I they were, they would have taken more than a day and a half to reach a unanimous verdict. They were in the courtroom paying attention, they weren't listening to what Trump allies were claiming about the case. "HUGE rise in polls" <-- Lie Trump is a criminal. He crimes all the time. It's not about sides, it's about justice and not letting someone get away with crime because he's wealthy At least you know you were lying. Not a poll, doofus What polls have been completed in the past 24 hrs, lol The biden administration refused to prosecute this case because they were so concerned about it looking politically motivated.