MovieChat Forums > Hans-Wilhelm

Hans-Wilhelm (1322)


It got me I just finished season 3 I just finished season 2 Geroge Lucas retired Star Wars in 2012 She has got to go! She has got to go! So why did they attack? Fight back! So...we are supposed to root for the Wow, the Netflix version of this is pretty bad so far. View all posts >


Well since men are kicking girls asses in sports because idiot leaders keep putting men on girls sports teams and letting men in woman's changing rooms they are forcing society's hand. Adult human male. Woman? Adult human female. Easy. Every person on the planet could easily answer this throughout all of history. Only those in the last 10 years or so would struggle with this. A man can NEVER become a woman and vice versa. A man can choose to live AS a woman. They are never actually a woman. Yes,, that is how I took it. He did it to make him think they had evidence he was indeed the killer. Annoying ending, we still don't know who the killer was. I see both sides. If you haven't seen it...why read boards? I avoid the boards when I am watching a series and do not want things spoiled. Nah, he should have divorced her. It isn't the military. Usually this situation means you would have to pay back the money of any training or schooling they paid on your behalf. She may have had to pay something back finacially. She is pretty trampy. Drugs, tattoos, a slut. Yes, she has been so ran through. Please, just no. No. It is a classic. Make up new stories Hollywood. Quit just rebooting every film that has ever been made. Create new stories. One group living anywhere near another group. They had the entire Earth and groups living within a few miles of each other F'd everything up. Then they go to this moon. Right on queue one group lives near another group. All hell breaks loose. They should have just gone back to space, re-grouped and went back down and picked a new spot.....1,000 MILES from Sanctum. If there are any people there....blast off and move another 1,000 miles away until they find a spot with NO PEOPLE!!! View all replies >