MrBrownsMovieMarathons's Replies

Yea I cant argue against the unrecoverable stupidities but honestly I didn't think it was that severe in comparison to the last movie. Watching that one I was like Jesus Christ this movies a mess. It kept going back and forth on whether or not it was an Alien prequel until the very end. Covenant at least had me leaving the theater more satisfied. And yes the ending to this movie was weak. I respect your opinion dude compared to the clown guy but i'm not in this for the money or any kind of business venture. Movies and writing about them is my passion and I just try to find places I can share my stuff with and get people to look at it. I'm not here to start any trend and I'm sure Craig isn't either. I see what you're saying though cause I was on the IMDB boards before they shut down but you don't need to worry about any spam from us. He's referring to me. Looking at his profile, he's some rude, obnoxious poster who gets off on being insulting and controversial with his comments towards other people. If he really doesn't like me posting my links, why doesn't he just put me on ignore. He's dreaming if he thinks I'm going to stop just for him. Thanks dude and yea you should, I went in thinking it was going to suck and was surprised at how good it was No I can post here if I want to and who the hell are you to tell me to fuck off. You don't own these boards. It was a solid reboot. On my days off from work which are typically Mondays and Fridays, yes I pick a batch of movies to watch revolving around a theme and I blog about them. Yes it does but make sure its the original one you watch and not the remake. That one is terrible. lol. Like why would they even try to remake something that's already perfect and won 11 Academy Awards. The original would look sick though on a wide screen TV. I do have a job my friend. I watch these on my days off from work which are Mondays and Fridays and blog them during the week on my routes to and from work. Braveheart is the shit, you really should check out Gladiator and Ben Hur. You would love both. Nah I haven't stopped man. Just got busy with work and other stuff. I mean't to come on the other day but got sidetracked. Thanks for wondering though dude. I'm glad you enjoy these as I have more to post along with reviews for some of the newer theatrical films. Yep and if I don't, I finish them the next day before work. Hey if you don't want to look at my link, you don't have to. No ones holding a gun to your head. lol Sugarbiscuits. YOU ROCK. I love all your responses. lol Now that I can get behind. I agree with you there but lately I haven't been able to be online as much to discuss movies cause I have work and my regular life. The time I do have to come on here is limited so I just post my stuff. I will open more discussions then next time since you admitted that youd be willing to look at them if I gave a more formal opening. Thanks for the recommendation. Ok fair enough. So does this mean youre going to go find everyone else that posts their links to blogs, you tube videos, websites and tell them the same thing or just focus on me. Actually, I haven't seen Ghost in the Shell yet but I did write reviews for Beauty And The Beast, Logan, Get Out, and Kong Skull Island I was done anyways but if you don't want to see my posts, why don't you just put me on ignore. Why? I'm posting things that are movie related and other people are doing similar stuff? Who are you to tell me to stop? Please do, I try to make them fun for people to read.