TerraFirma69's Replies

I can't agree with not going to a board before seeing a movie. I've found a few low scored gems this way, if the majority of the post titles are along the lines of "surprisingly good" and "why the low score?" it's an indicator the movie is worth a try - if it's in my favoured genres of course. At the same time I've (I think) avoided some duds when a good chunk of the thread titles are about it being boring or ambiguous or illogical or having a nothing ending. I've come here halfway through some movies (the latest being 'the wind') because I suspected they were going nowhere and that was confirmed by the post titles. Didn't waste any more time on it, plenty of other movies and shows to watch. It's rare that I find clear-cut spoilers in thread titles like this one, 90% of movie's pages are fine. If I was constantly seeing spoilers I wouldn't go to boards ahead of time, but it's not been the case. The most annoying thing about blatant spoiler posts is when the op is reminded that spoilers are not cool and they get instantly on the back foot about it and refuse to acknowledge it's an issue. The OP here has not been an ass about it to be fair, but then again their assertion that the girl's death ruins the movie (even if she had actually died) is utterly baffling. I believe the OP meant that the monster looked like it was standing on the bottom, hence where was there for it to sink to? In the shots straight after the destroyers collided it sure did look like it was walking/wading on solid ground. "there is literally no other motivation to keep watching if she dies." Yes there is (even if she did actually die). Her death provides the classic revenge motivation for him to kill the monster and for the audience to root even more for him. He still has his daughter to fight for too. I can't see why you have this much of an issue with it. Yeah that was silly. It was obviously supposed to be floating or swimming, how bouyant would it have to be to appear as it did? Spoiler warnings (that includes avoiding spoilers in post titles) are just good manners. 'Spaces'. ffs, Just say 'building' or 'place' or 'room' or some other logical term. Stop referring to every place and situation as a f*cking "space" when you dribble about your pet political concept or whine about your feelings or moan that everything isn't always going your way. This was not very good, but yes Rebel Moon was harder to sit through than this. Just wish that it was allowed. After a the last few weeks of watching social media I'd like to reiterate; I really wish people would STOP saying "I could care less". Aren't they aware of how completely stupid it makes them appear? Not ugly, but scrawny and gangly and less than appealing. Hard to deny. Jane Seymour in her prime, maybe also a contender. Ladies like Julia are deep in the shadow of such beauties. She was never a sex symbol. Maybe approached it in Pretty Woman, but even then I had no interest in seeing more than we did. She's gangly and scrawny. A miss that was near to hitting? Near miss rolls off the tongue nicer if that counts. I've never thought about that one much but now you mention it, it IS annoying. I meant more like do they have the ability to gather physical resources they may need to create new stuff - eg metals and other raw materials. Would they be able to divert, explore, gather, and then catch up to the fleet again? Look at a movie like Serenity (https://moviechat.org/tt0379786/Serenity). Despite the 'light' sci-fi genre they made good efforts to make space silent, as it would be. It only made those scenes cooler, more atmospheric and more exciting. Not just good, it was swell! All this talk has me wanting to see it again anyway, I'm going to watch out for it on t.v. If I recall correctly, and I may well not, weren't the events of Legacy a direct result of Bourne's rebellion?