The amazing dis- and re-appearing martial skills

For me the worst part of many bad things in the movie is how pretty much everyone who is or should be trained in very advanced hand-to-hand combat seems to forget then suddenly remember how to fight. One second Ethan is restrained by two henchmen then he kicks a bunch of guys butts without breaking a sweat whenever either is convenient to the "plot." Same for many of the other supposed super-agents. Also there's no way a trained fighter with a sword (Ilsa) is losing to a guy with a knife (Gabriel) no matter how good he is. She would/should have gutted him before he got close. Plus, jumping to the train scene... how many knives does this guy carry on him FFS?!

Oh geez and just got to the train/bridge scene. Damn that's stupid with some amazing magical physics how the train cars keep falling off when there's nothing pushing or pulling them forward. SMDH.
