MovieChat Forums > The Chosen (2019) Discussion > Hate the anachronistic dialogue and humo...

Hate the anachronistic dialogue and humor

How tough would it have been to use more appropriate language?


The target audience is people who read the Bible.


Even the Living Bible isn’t that silly.


The Israeli accent of Jesus may seem culturally adjacent but the Israelis back then spoke Aramaic. Modern Israeli Hebrew is also not the same as ancient Hebrew. Overall, the story of Jesus has been played out.


Luke Skywalker didn't speak English either!


That was annoying me too! Lots of anachronistic dialogue present in the third season that I didn't notice in the older ones. I only watched a little bit with my mom, but yeah it bothered me. Still, not a terrible series. I mean, I get what they're trying to do, but it's really unnecessary.


>> That was annoying me too! Lots of anachronistic dialogue present in the third season that I didn't notice in the older ones. <<

I've only seen the first season and I noticed plenty of it, particularly in the scenes with husbands and wives at home.


Oh, I honestly don't remember. It's been a while since I've watched it.

That's the main reason I don't care for it. The dialogue is too modern. Throwing in "okays" and "yeahs" is too much for me personally. I don't watch depictions of these stories, as a Christian, to be updated. Non Christians don't need it to be dumbed down, just like they try in other more recent historical pieces (fictional or non fictional.)


Seems to be a protestant thing. They think in order for people from 1st century Judea to be "relevant" to modern audiences, they need to talk like 21st century Americans do. I watched some other protestant film, the musical "Journey to Bethlehem", and it had the same issues as The Chosen, but it was magnified 10X.

I agree its annoying and distracting.
