MovieChat Forums > The Lighthouse (2019) Discussion > Throwing in my two cents *spoilers*

Throwing in my two cents *spoilers*

Um... This is probably the best movie of the year i've seen so far. I mean, there's so much to say, yet words can't really describe how good this is! Okay, before I give my full review, I really can't say much without spoiling the entire movie, so please, if you haven't seen the movie yet, do yourself a favor and go watch the movie, then come back and read my review (or probably essay) on why this movie is just so damn good!

Acting- I mean this was a no brainer. Willem Dafoe is nothing short of brilliant in this movie. You get the feeling he has seen so much, and knows too much. He also feels much smarter than what he shows. I seriously feel Dafoe should be in talks for an Oscar for "Best Supporting Actor" for his performance. It's nothing short of electrifying.
Robert Pattinson is also just stunning in this. I'm glad we're at a phase where we can move past "Twilight", and realize he's a marvelous actor. I have no doubt he'll be fine as the next superhero we all know. His performance is eerie, yet human in so many ways. There are so many layers behind his performance, that it's so immaculate to watch!
Both men together have amazing chemistry. Both feel so real, and really make us feel trapped in the ever growing insanity, making us feel that isolation encapsulating the viewer.

Screenplay- The Egger brothers screenplay is definitely a screenplay with love, and care thrown into it. While the story is cohesive, there are so many elements in this movie up for interpretation. It takes a lot of skill to do something like that, especially in this day and age. One thing I also love is the screenplay does allow some comedy to come through, which makes sense, since in real life we make jokes, or have something funny happen in situations which aren't necessarily funny on their own, so this is nice to see.

Cinematography- Jarin Blaschke's camera work in this movie is so stunning, and not just because of the black & white use, but the fact that everything stands out in different shades of black, grey, and white. The lighting lends itself to some strong sequences of confusion, blurring the lines between reality, and the insanity till its like theirs nothing separating the two. Just wow! The other thing I really appreciate is, I believe, there's no shaky camera at all in this movie, it's all on a tripod, which feels like the camera is a third character in the movie, being trapped there, and ultimately, the only one to survive this journey.

Score- Mark Korven's score is very similar to "Joker" in that the music of this film isn't traditional, which makes sense in a movie where the mind is being played at. The music is also placed for only a few brief moments in the movie to really highlight an action, or the environment being set up, where the 'silence' speaks much louder than any piece of music could probably do.

Sound design- This movie's sound design is off the charts. Everything is happening around them, and just sucks the viewer onto the island itself, to where I swear I could smell the sea, and the muddy island they were on! The sound design feels like it traps you there with them.

I could go on, and on on what makes this movie so brilliant, but I just don't have that time to do so. All I can say is I'll probably go see it again soon. I know there are so many more movies coming out soon, but for now, the bar has been set for all other films this year with "The Lighthouse".


I agree with most of what you said; it's an amazing film.

The design and feel of the film was enough that I swear I felt cold watching these two trapped on the craggy, wind-bitten, damp island and cabins.


Dafoe is a supporting actor in this one? To me he was a lead and carrying the whole movie.
