James Potter was always a bully

This is a really good fan film. Really captures what it may have been like at that time.

It also shows really James had always been a bully. Not because Severus was ever a threat to him, but because he could. He always attacked when he had his mates with him. And during this duel, when it became apparent Severus was a better sorcerer than him, his friends jumped in to save him.

Would love to see another film of this quality.


I agree with you. "Snape's worst memory" should be next short.
And also "October 31st", the night Voldermot killed James and Lily: James and Lily face Peter's betrayal; Peter points at Sirius as the traitor, fakes his own death and lets Sirius be put in jail; Sirius thought Lupin was Voldermort's spy and has to realize that his closest friend James is dead because of his decision to not be his Secret-Keeper, but now that he's the only one to know the truth, nobody wants to listen to him and he must live 12 years in Azkaban (without any trial); Lupin loses ALL of his friends in one night and starts to live 12 years alone believing Sirius is a murderer, a traitor and a dark wizard - I guess he was the only one in the country to not raise his glass in joy, the next day -; Snape loses his only love forever and lives all his life in regret, also promising to protect the last "piece" of Lily on earth. Wow, what a story!

I beg you, do it!!
All the cast and crew did an a-m-a-z-i-n-g job.
