MovieChat Forums > Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) Discussion > Spoilers Ahead: Stopped Viewing After Ox...

Spoilers Ahead: Stopped Viewing After Oxygen Destroyer Used. Many Continuity Errors. Too Violent.

I stopped viewing this rented movie right after the Oxygen Destroyer was dropped. Okay, in addition to the fact that Go* D*mn and F**k(two times and once, at least) were in this movie, the fact that they made the Admiral Stenz character act like a totally different character than was in Godzilla 2014 made no sense especially since we all were left with the impression that he finally could see that Dr. Serizawa was right about Godzilla restoring balance and he knew that Godzilla did not purposely harm any humans who had died. He knew Godzilla saved the world. He would not, 5 years later order a weapon to destroy Godzilla along with other monsters. It would have made more sense to have someone over the Admiral to do this and him protest it and warn Serizawa about it.
I can vaguely see killing off the Serizawa character heroically, but couldn't they have put in a scene of a nice moment with him and Godzilla several scenes before his death? And as I said above, leaving the Serizawa character at odds with Stenz before his death was not in continuity with Godzilla 2014, and to have his death be the result of something Stenz tried to do to kill Godzilla just is ridiculous! In Godzilla 2014, Stenz was only doing what he genuinely thought was right to save human lives. The character was not viewed as a villain. Here, he seems like a totally different character and a not very likeable one, at that.
I get that there were many more monsters in this movie, but there was way too much violence even before I stopped watching. This is one movie I totally regret wasting my money on and will not watch again. This needs a remake already.


Thanks for letting us now. I was really curious about when you stopped watching.


Yeah, if I'd know this movie was about giant monsters fighting and destroying things and it had violence in it, I wouldn't have watched it either...
