MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Discussion > SJW sites are attacking Blade Runner for...

SJW sites are attacking Blade Runner for being "too white"

These idiots..

"Blade Runner 2049’ Paints an All-White Future. Again."

"Anyone Else Bothered by How 'White' BLADE RUNNER 2049 Looks?"


And those sites and kids that usually attack the dreaded SJWs (one of the many terms created by triggered alt-reich pricks) are known for being inane, hypersensitive whiners themselves. They especially show it when a movie now and then features a diverse (mostly non-white) cast. For instance, movies like Rogue One and Spider-Man: Homecoming were heavily criticized and thrown the usual insults such as “PC liberal Hollywood garbage” and “white genocide”. (Oh, but they actually have a point, right?) Then again, these same people spend their whole time obsessing over Hollywood disagreeing with their kind. Pfft... it’s all hypocritical and highly ridiculous.


well when you go out of your way to cast a diverse cast it looks forced and contrived. and rogue one deliberately had 2 chinese actors inorder for the movie to do well in china.


"triggered alt-reich pricks"

Grow up.


I thought Ryan Gosling was part Australian Aborigine. Look at his flared nostrils.


Best to pay no attention to them. Just a few sites mean nothing as it's only their opinion and you're only spreading it by sharing it. If everyone ignores them they'll become worthless as their propaganda.

I literally saw like 4-5 blacks in the show. Many other shows only have 1 black and all the rest are white. Like IT for example or the upcoming Marvel show, Runaways. They usually try to fit 1 nigga (not a racist word) in to make it diverse. If you want to see diverse, Look at Liberal Agenda-man: Diverse Homecoming (Spider-man: Homecoming). Literally a sea of darkies (blacks, filipinos, or any other dark Asian in the East) or year round tan.


it is


Pathetic discriminatory social warriors who would never attack nollywood or bollywood for being too black or brown respectively.
