
I'm half way through and it’s looking increasingly woke. It’s all about evil men and innocent-victim-women. One villain is even boasting about having ‘a cock’ believing it to be the source of all power.

NWR’s stuff is hypnotically gorgeous to look at and listen to, it’ll be a real shame if this ends up like Too Old To Die Young - a fantastic series until it turned shit and woke at the end.

NWR has such potential, he’s the only director who can get remotely close to the genius of David Lynch, I’ll be really disappointed if he turns out to be just another air-headed wokist with nothing insightful to say

Let’s see if the last 3 episodes can turn things around, but it’s not looking good…


OK I’ve finished all 6 episodes and, while it’s good and worth watching esp if you’re into NWR, it carries the nasty stink of woke. I can’t remember one sympathetic white male… in a series set in Copenhagen.

The villains lean white, but not in all cases.

Miu and her ‘allies’ are all women apart from one guy… who is of course black, but there is one major example of female evil.

So it’s not a travesty of woke like Fargo Season 5, but it carries the whiff of that ideology.

Overall I recommend the series but be warned: wokeness present.


No one is falling it for it, commie. You'll never be one of us.


Lame parody 🤦🏻‍♂️
