Problem is ...

Quentin Tarentino did Once Upon a Time in Hollywood and Lee Majors did Fall Guy about Stunt Men ... this is a retread already before it is even out. Also, Gosling is a pretty boy not known for being and action guy and high strung. Both Gosling and Blunt to use Trump's phrase seem kind of low energy. Who knows, it might be good both are good actors.


Both Gosling and Blunt to use Trump's phrase seem kind of low energy

Funny you said that. Not particularly interested in this film but was reading some of the stuff on here yesterday and thought that. Especially Blunt. Does she really sell a film?


I try to be funny when I can.
It's just sad what our media is these days, stale repeats of repeats that meant nothing to begin with. And we wonder why our kids are insane lunatics?


I feel the audience is completely different. Didn't even notice ONCE UPON had anything to do with stunt man. Started watching it once and got bored with the "Look at me and all the words I use" dialog, and stopped.
Where as Fall Guy looks like a mindless, yet maybe fun, summerflick that might get me to the theater.


It's bad capitalism to reward terrible movies, or even sub-excellent movies with your money.
