MovieChat Forums > Sugar (2024) Discussion > Episode 6. Do we suppose to.....

Episode 6. Do we suppose to.....

...fell sorry for David? That entitled spoiled rich a-hole and woman abuser? Who offed himself out of pity because he was cancelled by MeToo for being abusive to women. They spend so much time orchestrating leading up that scene and then show his grieving parents.

Do I suppose to feel sorry for any of them? Because I feel like show want's me to.

Also it's interesting how father clearly loved his spoiled a-hole son. Yet give zero crap for disappearance of his only daughter who can be dead for all he knows. I mean she is pretentious woke idiot. But still - his daughter.


A little.

While in no way excusing what he did, he had a horrible childhood he didn’t choose. Especially ironic being a child star whose main frustration was that he couldn’t get women. One need only look at the history of child stars to see what lifelong misery they reap. In a perfect world, he would have been able to get some real help early on with his damaged psyche, instead of being enabled by loser friends and a no-good fraud of a mother.


Oh no. That poor rich entitled guy and his "horrible childhood" of being rich nepo child with whole world at his feet....LOL

For every screwed up child star there are 5 who made it just fine. Because it depends on person. You see Portman and Timberlake and Bale being fine. Because child stardom is not the reason they went of the rails. They would do so if not being famous too.

He was a freaking woman abuser. And got what he deserved. And he only felt sorry for himself once he was cancelled. Before that he was going to MOTHER's HOUSE of that detective to intimidate him.

If you would search all child actors then you would see most of them are fine. It's only few who screw up and in the press so people think all of them are like that.
