MovieChat Forums > Barbie (2023) Discussion > The movie's bad messaging (spoilers)

The movie's bad messaging (spoilers)

Instead of trying to change Barbieland back to how it was, wouldn't it have been better to try to have both genders have equal roles? Then that would spread the message of gender equality which is what we all want. That a world run by all men or all women is not good cause it leaves the other half of the population oppressed. I mean, look at Ken. He'll still be beach in Barbieland.


"...wouldn't it have been better to try to have both genders have equal roles?"
Not if you're a feminist. Feminists do not care about equality, never have.


Some of them did. The problem was, their movement was hijacked by nasty, petty, power-hungry misandrists than fought to have the privilege to tear men down and get revenge on all the wrongs men did to them in society. Now they're little better than the male pigs that used to be mean to them in the past. They're just meaner and more vicious about it.


This film is satire, in case you don't know what satire is:

the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.


Are you implying the movie is criticizing the modern feminist movement?
What is your point here?


It's making fun of the patriarchy . . . Jesus.

My point is that this movie is not meant to be taken seriously. It's called Barbie, these are jokes and people are acting like everything in this movie is gospel.


Do you even begin to grasp what people here are complaining about in regards of the movie?
Because it honestly doesn't seem you do.

Also, what "patriarchy"?
What next, gender pay gap?
Rape culture?


People are complaining about feminazis and male bashing.

What patriarchy? Don't be stupid. Men run the world.




Don't have anything to say?


Dude. You are claiming that teh film is "not to be taken seriously" while seriously defending it's primary message, ie That the Patriarchy is real and (I assume you agree) needs to be fought against.

laughing at that pretzel logic makes complete sense.


Pretzel logic. xD


Did you even see the movie? There are multiple, very serious monologs about how women are oppressed by men. They definitely weren't delivered satirically. They can't have their cake and eat it too.


The Kens’ embrace of patriarchy was satirical and played for laughs, but the female characters’ critique of patriarchy was serious to the point of being propagandistic.


Exactly. The way it was conveyed with Ken was still on point, but light and entertaining. The rest was just preaching.


True. This is a retarded and depressing film. If they wanted to make a feminist Barbie film, they could have come up with hundreds of better ideas. There is nothing funny, entertaining or engaging about it. The jokes are depressing and painfully unfunny. The script doesn't make any sense. The art direction and set design give you nausea. The choreography and music are amateurish. Overall, Hollywood is in decline.


A lot of people aren't aware of the fact that the double strike that's going on right now is actually covering up a deeper problem in Hollywood right now: that it's dying. It can't keep up with the streaming and digital media and is having some serious issues. Not to mention the fact that it has become mired in politics when it should never have been involved with that to start with.


I totally agree. Although I find that the streaming content these days, such as Neflix and HBO's original series, tends to be just as bad. Movies and TV shows shouldn't be watched on your smartphone anyway - that's what killed the film industry. Hopefully some indie filmmakers will come along soon and make good quality films for the cinema (and not for streaming platforms). That's the only thing that can save us.


It's true. The Streaming setup has come as a double-edge sword. On the one hand, they had many freedoms a lot of tv and movie studios didn't in terms of taking a risk and trying things that nobody else had ever been able to do, and sometimes it was very successful, making a name for services like Netflix and Hulu. The trouble is, because of this setup, streaming services were also a dumping ground for bad ideas, and more often than not, you could see exactly why some of these tv show/movie scripts were turned down by other studios. Some of them just plain sucked, and no doubt didn't get many viewers.

I think what's gonna happen is, someone (or even a group of people) with money and a passion, are gonna start up a new "hollywood" in another state, complete with their own advertising, MPAA rating system, and chain of movie theaters, and they're gonna make a killing financially by making non-woke movies. They can take in all the people who were driven out or just plain rejected in California, and use their skills to make the films people have been wanting to do all along.

I say that they'll have to have their own advertising, MPAA rating system, and movie theater chain, because without those, they have no chance at competing with the original Hollyweird. The old Tinseltown will recognize them as a threat and competition and try to bury them, and when it turns out the new film industry (whatever people will call it) isn't going to be subject to the other industry arms old Hollywood owns, they're gonna realize they're screwed.


Let that rotten cult keep digging its own grave and die in it. It's about time.


Maybe they can learn how to code >:)


Isn't this film satire? You aren't meant to take it seriously ...


But people are taking it seriously.


They sure are!


Isn't satire suppose to be funny or thought provoking. This dose neither.


If you have a sense of humor it's funny.


Even lefties are confused by this movie.

Because it really is giving weird and confused messages. Because author is simply not smart enough to tell a coherent story. She is what you call a Performative Woke. She is not feminists or whatever. Like most of the Hollywood clowns - she does woke to "be on the good side of the history" and receive praise for being so amazing and deep. But she doesnt really care about messages.

She doesnt understand what equality is and girl power. In her mind she must scream: "Men are bad. Boo men. Men are evil oppressors and must be destroyed".

So she didnt understand that she created a movie whose final message basically was : "When women get into total power - they behave exactly like men and are oppressors themselves". Which is just hilarious.

Whole movie she was lecturing everyone how Evil Men oppress women and dont allow them work equally. Then at the end, after poor Ken had complete meltdown from being oppressed his whole life and other Kens realizing they should be equals to Barbies and asking for a Jobs in courts and stuff - Barbies laugh at them and give them lower job, saying: "One thing a a time" or something like that.

Which is fine as a satire on men and how they didnt allow women to work. But by that logic Barbies (women) are no better then men and behave the same when in complete power. Which puts the message that its not the men who are problem but humans are. Because when other gender is in power - the do the same oppression.

"Sliders" had similar episode. When they jumped into world where women were in power. And it was the same - men could not find a decent job and Quinn was hired as assistant/secretary.


But maybe that was the point, to say that women are also not perfect.


Gretta Gerwig is not that deep. Her message was very clear. In her movie all men are bad, all women are victims.

She really didnt understand what message she created. Because in her woke echo chamber humiliating and degrading men is not something bad. Its good and you receive praise when you do that. So in her performative mind it was deserved. "Take that Men. You are all oppressors and now its payback time. Kens will not receive any important job to rule again women. Women will rule men" - was the message of her movie.

Its used to be tagline for movies: "Yes, men are bad. But tides are changing. They understand they are wrong now and women receive more and more equality". Character learned lesson and became better.

Now no one learns a lesson here. Barbie is spoiled privileged brat and throws tantrums when no one in real world bows to her. Kens had a literal meltdown because they wanted more equal rights and screamed about it. In the end Barbies-oppressors beat them up and restores all the power they had. And gave few lower jobs to few Kens. And Barbie went to real world because she was bored now in Barbie land after seeing real world.


The Woke Echo Chamber is that flushing sound emanating from your empty cranium.


The Kens in Barbieland are returned to their homeless state at the movie’s end. No houses, much less dream houses, for them.


I don't think this is neccessarily bad messaging- in fact its pretty accurate in that equality for both genders does not happen over night but is a learning period for both. Its main message that no gender wants or should be just relegated to playing second fiddle comes through, I think, though.

If anyone's interested, I reviewed the movie on my youtube channel. Appreciate any feedback. Trying to improve -
