MovieChat Forums > Unfrosted (2024) Discussion > A movie about nothing

A movie about nothing

Is it about real history, or even a version of history like Oppenheimer?

When the movie begins it might look like that, but very quickly it became clear, it has no relationship with history or any kind of reality. It is very much like a live action cartoon, and clearly it is meant for young children.

But children are unlikely to get the jokes about JFK. I got the sense that Hollywood really hates JFK for some reason, keep making fun of him and taking jibes at him in this movie and the recent 'Blond'.

Anywho, even in cartoon sense the movie is very silly, in the end pretty much like pop tart it is empty calories. After watching you get the feeling that it was time wasted, it meant nothing, and it was not all that funny. Even the memory of this movie fades very quickly, another few days I might not even remember what it was about.

Then again, it is clearly aiming at kids, unlike the Seinfeld TV series.


I think that is the problem with the movie. There is nothing that feels grounded (for lack of a better word) or bearing a close resemblance to reality.

I mean, obviously the companies involved really exist and even some of the people in the movie were based off real-life counterparts. But how are we the audience to determine that given how silly and cartoony everything else is? The movie seems like it wants to be a soft and genial satire of the breakfast food industry but what's the baseline for us to get the joke?

What this could had been like was something akin to 'The Founder', the movie about Ray Kroc and McDonald's.


What's the deeeaaal with poptarts? What's up with thaaaat?!?
