New Trailer


First thing, Dafuq did they do to Rebecca Hall? I'm sorry but that wig looks fugly!

Also, that final shot of Godzilla & Kong running together made me laugh so fucking hard. That shit looked goofy.

Anyways, still looking forward to it. Mild excitement for this one.


Godzilla -1 doing it right while this franchise is turning into Transformers.


I've been hearing nothing but great things about minus one. Definitely looking forward to it!

Not Transformers but more like MCU. They're trying to do their own Avengers. 😆


Both of them running along side one another simply looked cheesy when you see how Godzilla is in MINUS ONE.. I'm thinking Blu Ray/DVD for this


Ya, I'm just gonna stream it UNLESS the word of mouth is good.

Like I'm glad I saw King of the Monsters on the big screen.

Godzilla v Kong was fine but disappointing on the big screen. Ya know what I mean?


I'll watch it for sure. Looks like they're leaning into the silliness with this one.


I just hope the Kaiju v Kaiju action is good. I love me some monster action.


I think this will be the last one. Good idea, bad execution.


Depends on the box office I guess.


After watching the trailer I dont think the box office will be good. That is why I came to the conclusion it will be the last one. The CG looks pretty bad and Godzilla running looked like something out of that old show Dinosaurs.

And as you mentioned Halls hairstyle is completely unacceptable. I dont want to be mean but she does not have the face to pull it off.


I legit didn't even think it was her until she started talking.

I don't know whose idea it was to use that godawful wig but they need to be fired ASAP! 😆😅

P.S. I just hope they go back to making solo Godzilla movies. As much as I like Kong, I miss Godzilla taking on Kaijus by himself.

Hyped for Godzilla minus one. I wanna see Godzilla wrecking havoc!


Yes, it is time to make solo movies again and Kong should not be that big anyway. They might be able to CG her hair back to normal before release, at this point with everything looking like a ps5 cutscene anyway I dont think it would be noticeable.


'Also, that final shot of Godzilla & Kong running together made me laugh so fucking hard. That shit looked goofy.'

Yeah, it did 😂 I assume it was meant to look impressive/dramatic, but... no.


Ya, I think they're going for that epic Avengers team-up thing.

But as another poster said, they should just lean into the silliness.

I mean, c'mon it's giant monsters punching each other. I really hope it doesn't take itself too seriously.


I saw an article that mentioned is the Studio questioning putting Baby KONG in the movie and was it a bit too much??


Them running together reminded me of some dumb cop buddy movie, Tango & Cash rings a bell
