MovieChat Forums > The Creator (2023) Discussion > honestly this wasn't good

honestly this wasn't good

Saw this today - thought it was messy, simpleminded, and too long.

Also, John David Washington did not look believable to me in this role.

And why is it even called The Creator? The movie wasn't actually about the creator.

On top of it all (and most ironically), as much as I love the song "Everything in Its Right Place" (Radiohead), it seemed entirely out of place in the movie. I guess I would say that overall the soundtrack just wasn't well-done. The whole movie seemed to me like just some mish-mash thrown together.


It was based on their child and he was hunting the creator of the AIs, as killing him seems to end it all.


Yeah movie was weak over all. Some great yet pointless visuals.


From what little I've seen of it some of the visuals reminded me of Elysium (having said that, I haven't watched Elysium in a long time).


You need to go back and watch it as the film is literally all about the Creator, I’m not going to spoil it here but it’s twist is all about who the creator was , maybe you fell asleep


No, as bored as I was I didn't fall asleep, and didn't miss anything. The movie wasn't actually about her. I expected very different from a movie called "The Creator".


What did you expect a full movie about the creator?


I completely understand that perspective. I'm not sure if it was bad or good, I just know I enjoyed it despite its flaws, and yes it had many. It's called The Creator because the whole premise of the film is almost everyone trying to find the creator aka Nirmata and using the main character and the child to do so.

John David Washington wasn't perfect in this film, I agree, but I also didn't hate him in the role.

I agree with your point about the soundtrack, it could've been scored better.


The attempted moon escape came out of nowhere.


Honestly you are right.
The list of mistakes is too long.
This is * out of ****


JDW ruined this movie for me, although it had other problems as well. Guy has no looks, charisma or presence like his old man, nor is he anywhere a good actor as DW.

Some of the visuals and designs were great, but overall I found it to drag along at times, with shallow characterization, weak plot and action scenes. Having synths cry, be monks and do things like eat and sleep was also absurd.



The whole movie seemed to me like just some mish-mash thrown together.

Totally agree. The story world resembled that of some lame video game. You have AI-enabled "sims" all over the place, and yet people still live off subsistence farming in straw huts?! Of course, their intent was to make it look like it was a Vietnam War movie, but, that's just daft playing it just for the looks, ignoring the logic and consistency storywise.
