The 'official' plan

If the official plan was to just capture some blood/head then why not just pay them to do just that?
Or if they felt they would morally object then why couldn't that of been John Dories plan and once
through the containers decapitated the queen straight away then retreated back the same way, so why the convoluted excuse to get the money?


probably because they all would protest that. money was a better cover story He had 2 b sneaky like the guy is jurassic park 3 with the raptor eggs. Of course that tiger was problem.



Yeah, they was trying to sell the blood back to the government like the government didn't have files already on what they made lol.


"They were" not "they was".


Any way you parse it, it’s asinine.

For starters, why do they need a safecracker? It’s not like they’re not retrieving money from the guy has the combination for cryin’ out loud!

I can accept fantastic plot lines no problem, but lapses in logic like this absolutely ruin the experience.
