MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Thoughts/Questions on S7E5

Thoughts/Questions on S7E5

Slower episode this week. Moving pieces into position and such.

1. Bronn and Jaime got away pretty dang easy. It's great that they're alive and all, but shouldn't one of Dany's soldiers have found them?

2. Did Cersei agree to meet with Dany? That's what it sounded like. But then she said something about wanting to die fighting, so...

3. Dany, Jon, and Tyrion are the 3 heads of the dragon, confirmed. Only ones able to touch a dragon without being incinerated. A touching scene.

4. The reunion between Jorah and Dany was also sweet. She seemed very very happy to see him. Does she love him romantically? Or see him as more of a fatherly figure?

5. Bran can control quite a lot of ravens at a time. Why bother bringing so many if they're all clumped together?

6. I was very surprised to see Sam run away from the Citadel with all those stolen books. How did he know which ones to grab? Is he really giving up his dream of becoming a maester? I wish there were a few more scenes of him actually enjoying the Citadel. Although, in the books, if I remember correctly, he was less willing to go in the first place, because of his father's abuse.

7. I really really wish Jon had stopped in Winterfell before going to Eastwatch. The trailer for this episode got me excited that Jon would meet up with Bran and therefore Arya, but alas, 'tisn't to be.

8. The whole bringing a wight to Cersei seems like a very bad idea. While you're at it, why not just have Tyrion kill her? Then Dany gets the Seven Kingdoms and can focus power up North.

9. Gendry is back! Finally! And of course Davos echoes the audience's feelings with "Thought you might still be rowing." I liked his scenes with Jon.


1. There was a lot of smoke in the background, so it was probably between them and the mop up crew who were marching the defeated soldiers the opposite direction.

2. Going down fighting was her initial reaction, before she understood there were other options when she found out Tyrion's proposal, so she decides to be like her father and do what he would do in situations where a military approach would fail. So the meeting is on, probably will happen in episode 7. mild spoiler: [spoiler]set pics suggest a lot of the main characters meeting at the dragon pit, like Cersei, Jon, Dany, Tyrion, whoever else survives north of the wall in episode 6, the mountain, etc.[/spoiler]

4. She definitely cares for him deeply, in another life where she is not trying to conquer Westeros maybe she could love him. Now that they've had the big reunion, Jorah may not make it back. Meeting Jon seems to complicate things too, because a number of scenes now have been dedicated to their growing admiration toward each other. For two people who had very different lives, their stories have a lot in common.

5. It was to make him look badass, compared to earlier when he could only control a wolf or a Hodor. Night's King can control 1000s of dead, Bran is slowly getting up to that level of badassery, but he's not there yet.

6. The maesters turned out to be the exact opposite of what he believed in. They don't share knowledge, they hoard it because it's a source of power. Sam tells them as much when he's trying to get them to send out ravens.

7. Jon needs to be away from Winterfell for that subplot with Sansa, Arya, Littlefinger to play out. He knows Arya and Bran are alive, so that's probably the most we will get this season.

8. This would be next to impossible, because Cersei knew Tyrion was there even before Jaime knew about it. She could have offed him at any time, but she wants to meet with Dany.


9. Although they think their fathers were friends who fought together, their real fathers fought against each other. He also has what looks to be Robert's war hammer:

Actually almost all the main characters now are the children of the main players at the beginning and just before where the show started.

10. Cersei is getting batshit paranoid. In the first episode, she said Tommen betrayed her when he was really just being used by Cersei and Olenna. In this episode she wants Jaime to punish Bronn and also threatens Jaime not to betray her again when he really didn't know what was going on.

11. Jon did the right thing by standing his ground and refusing to bendthaknee. He was able to leave without asking permission, and now that Dany has learned a bit about Jon, she has a better understanding of his motivations and respects him for it.


9. Interesting points.

10. She's always been paranoid, but now even more so.

11. He was incredibly stubborn about that, but yes, it did pay off.


I don’t think that it’s actually Robert’s war hammer.
I think it’s far more likely that a blacksmith forges his own hammer (which looks like, well, like war hammers are supposed to look) than a bastard son who all of a sudden miraculously owns the war hammer of his father, the king, years after the father died.

I agree on 10 and 11.


Yeah, bastards can put their family's sigil on their weapons and armor and he seems to be embracing his inner Baratheon now, so not a stretch at all if he made it himself.


1. Maybe. Still seems far-fetched, though.

2. Hm. Okay. I guess we'll see what happens. (Didn't look at the spoiler)

4. Yeah, they definitely seem to be shipping Jon and Dany now. I knew that Jorah always loved her, but I couldn't remember how much she loved him.

5. Seemed like too much work just to show off, lol. But if he's practicing, I guess that makes sense.

6. True.

7. Seems out of character for him. But plot.

8. I guess you're right.


4. Jorah is Ser Friendzone. he loves Dany, but she's not that into him.


Even if she were into him, she'd set him aside same as she did Daario, and for the same reason. She has to make a marriage that will bring her advantage, and a disinherited, dishonored knight with no money, no army, no political influence, etc. brings her none.

I think Jorah knows, deep down, that his love for Dany will remain unrequited. She loves him as a loyal friend and counselor, but she's not attracted to him.


Not a great episode this week, more setting the stage for big events. Hopefully it's the leadup to a couple of season-ending stunners.

1) You are correct! However, Jamie did need to get back to Cersei for the plot to progress.

3) You'd think Tyrion would have made more progress with "his" dragon by now, if he is indeed meant to ride it.

4) She thinks of him as a combination of friend and "servant", that is, someone who serves her and is extremely valuable to her cause.

5) A flock of ravens look cooler on camera than one bird, especially when the flock flies apart.

6) Sam never had a burning passion about being a maester, it was just obvious that it was the best job available for him. But now there's a terrible war looming, he's just thinking about the war and his role in it, because no soldier can make plans beyond a war. Of course he's going to go home and be lord Tarly when it's all over and the Night's Watch disband, instead of being a maester.

7) Jon is traveling by boat along the east coast of Westeros. Winterfell is far inland, he could actually get to Eastwatch a lot sooner than he could get to Winterfell.

8) If Dany is reluctant to do a proper job of invading Westeros, she should just hire a FAceless Man to kill Cersei. Cersei either has no heir or Jamie is her heir, the Baratheon side will just collapse if Cersei dies.

9) There's bad fan service and good fan service, that was good fan service.


1) True. But Tyrion could have let Jaime go with a message or something.

3) It would make me very happy if he did. ;3

4) Good point.

6) When the Night's Watch is disbanded? That's rather optimistic, lol. I thought he did mention at some point wanting to be a maester, though.

7) Ah, right. Geography.

8) That would make sense. But there's still the whole volanqar (eep spelling) prophesy.

9) Agreed!


»thought he did mention at some point wanting to be a maester, though.«

I seem to remember that, too.
And the way I remember it, he even said »for all my life, I wanted to be a maester«. But since I can’t pinpoint the scene or episode, I might be wrong.


That does sound extremely familiar.

Btw, I noticed that Sam echoed his father's words of "reading about the accomplishments of greater men" as he was leaving the Citadel. Just an interesting little tidbit.


"1. Bronn and Jaime got away pretty dang easy. It's great that they're alive and all, but shouldn't one of Dany's soldiers have found them?"

Yeah, it was too easy. Sinking into a river in full armor like that will kill you. He could have been pulled out, but there's no way he could have swam downriver. Bad writing.

"6. I was very surprised to see Sam run away from the Citadel with all those stolen books. How did he know which ones to grab?"

He must have previously made note of which books he intended to read next (taking them all at once might raise suspicion as the maesters would notice if too many were missing), and then once he decided to leave the city, it didn't matter anymore and he just grabbed everything. That's my explanation.

"7. I really really wish Jon had stopped in Winterfell before going to Eastwatch. The trailer for this episode got me excited that Jon would meet up with Bran and therefore Arya, but alas, 'tisn't to be."

That would have taken him hundreds of miles out of his way, over rugged country. And then of course he would have had to go to Eastwatch afterward anyway. Traveling by sea straight to Eastwatch is much, much faster. He couldn't afford to go that far out of his way just for a family reunion.

"8. The whole bringing a wight to Cersei seems like a very bad idea. While you're at it, why not just have Tyrion kill her? Then Dany gets the Seven Kingdoms and can focus power up North."

I think it's less about persuading Cersei than about persuading the lords and ladies of Westeros as a whole.

"9. Gendry is back! Finally! And of course Davos echoes the audience's feelings with "Thought you might still be rowing." I liked his scenes with Jon."

I was surprised at Gendry's return; I never expected him to become a character again. His war hammer is fitting; that was Robert's signature weapon. I wonder if Daenerys will legitimize him as a Baratheon and offer him Storm's End.


1. Agreed. But plot armor floats!

6. That would make sense. I'll go with that.

7. My bad. I forgot to look at the map, since everyone's jumping everywhere this season.

8. That could be true.

9. I was also pleasantly surprised. Hopefully he puts that blacksmithing to good use. I doubt Dany will legitimize him, but it's possible.


"1. Agreed. But plot armor floats!"

LOL, so true.


I couldn't resist. 😂
