MovieChat Forums > The Big Bang Theory (2007) Discussion > Why doesn't Sheldon use a Mac?

Why doesn't Sheldon use a Mac?

Or did he and I just missed it? 🤔

He's a guy who doesn't like change and Apple's OS has not had much change to its interface over the years and decades. At least compared to other operating systems like Windows. He says in one episode that his new laptop came with Windows 7 which was more user friendly than Vista and he didn't like that... then again, perhaps he doesn't like the user friendliness of a Mac.

I know the obvious answer will be that nerds abhor Apple, but still. 😏


He needs a real computer, not a toy.


LOL, ouch!


Well, Sheldon stated that he gave his meemaw an iPhone in S09E14 to track her, which would imply that he had one himself to use the Find My iPhone and or else why would he not just give her an Android? Then when he met Steve Wozniak, he said that one of his proudest possessions was a vintage 1977 Apple II. Although the criticized the file system limitations of Apple DOS 3.3...


I think most people into complex usage of computers (i.e. more than just web, email, word processing, video and gaming) don't use mac, such as researchers like Sheldon, because they don't use that much windows either, other than for gaming, they use Linux.

Mostly to use scripts automating a lot of things they commonly do.

A windows laptop is more suitable to install Linux, usually in a duel boot configuration, so they can use both windows and Linux, because mac uses one button mouse (so you can see it is for people have very little interests on complex use), windows uses 2, Linux uses 3 button mouse, the wheel on windows mouse can act as the 3rd button for Linux.

Another reason I think it is because mac has less games.


Yeah, I think that's valid. Sheldon said in a 2012 episode that his laptop he tried to sell to a drycleaner had 16GB RAM and was two years old. I don't think there's any chance that an Apple laptop from 2010 would have had 16GB RAM. So he does obviously care a lot about the specs in his computer.

Although regarding the last point, Sheldon did have a gaming laptop (an Alienware), but he and the gang overall seemed to be more into console than PC gaming. Sheldon played that PC game he got Penny addicted to and a Nintendo 64 emulator, but other than that, they were seemingly console peasants. 😜


They seem to have all the major game consoles, and of course they are into PC games too.

PC games such as War of Warcraft are very popular but they are not available on game consoles.
