MovieChat Forums > Billy Elliot (2000) Discussion > Do Americans Like This?

Do Americans Like This?

Just wondered whether anyone from the US likes Billy Elliot when it is so British in both it's storyline and use of music. I remember a friend from the US telling me that he had no idea what the minor's strike was and that he had never even heard of T-Rex. It's a shame that one of the most influental bands of 70s didn't have more success in America. As for the movie in my opinion it's one of the most cleverly put together British films that's been made in recent years but still didn't manage to pick up an Academy Award.


I absolutely loved this movie. I'm from America by the way :) When I first saw it being played on TV I was hooked. It's such a lovely film. I should really thin about buying it....



I'm american born and raised and I love Billy Elliot! I love the story, the message. You don't have to be a girl to be a Ballet dancer or you don't have to be a boy to play full contact Ice Hockey (we have womans teams!) It just has a great message. Do what you love for yourself, and not for anybody else, Never settle for what you don't believe in. It's a great feel good film!

~Sander~Fan of GB
The world showed no compassion for me!


I loved the movie.. or what I saw of it. It came on Logo (An american Gay channel) and I had to turn it off because I related to it too much. It hit a little too close to home at some of the more dramatic points. I do want to see it in its entirety, soon, though!



Of course we do! It's one of my all-time favorites. And I loved T-Rex too when I was a teenager. We didn't all vote for GW either!!

"Whoever you are, I have always depended on the kindness of strangers."


I do.

Didn't know about the miner's strike or T-Rex though.


I loved it. I actually know a lot of Americans who really enjoy this movie - my whole family is in love with it. I knew (vaguely) of the miner's strike, and I know enough about British music to really appreciate the soundtrack (it remains one of my favorites from recent movies).

It's really a shame it got snubbed at the Oscars, but then again, pretty much all the movies I love have gotten snubbed so it's really no surprise. The Academy Awards are so hot and cold with good foreign films that you can never really tell how a movie is going to do.

"Did you just call me Coltrane?"


We love Billy Elliot, and have seen it about a dozen times. And, of course we listen to T-Rex -- on treasured, original vinyl!


I'm American and I liked it. I'll admit that the US was its toughest audience in terms of getting a good box office draw but there are a lot of Americans that stubbornly want to think it's not right for a boy to pursue ballet. In fact it wouldn't surprise me if some Americans pulled out scriptures from the Bible to justify their anti-boys-in-ballet stance. LOL


I'm from Turkey, i loved the movie. I know someone who is loving this movie from America too. That doesn't matter where you from. The strike thing is not that important to know. And T-Rex... Those are just details. You don't have to know them to understand this movie, or love it.



I agree. I´m from Finland and I didn´t know anything about a miner´s strike ever happening, but why should that stop me from liking the movie? After all, it´s made clear in the movie that the mining industries are in a crisis and that´s why there´s a strike. Conclusion: no previous knowledge needed. And not knowing the soundtrack is no excuse, in many films the soundtrack is made for the film and nobody´s heard the music before.
