MovieChat Forums > Digimon: Digital Monsters (1999) Discussion > Why was Gatomon always in her Champion f...

Why was Gatomon always in her Champion form?

Everyone else got back to being a rookie, did they ever explain that?


Gatomon was able to gather enough energy to digivolve to her champion form without Kari's bond to her helping(unlike the the other digidestined) So she has enough energy to sustain her champion form at just about all times.


Thanks for the answer!


The original 7 needed their partners in order to Digivolve. But Gatomon had trained with Myotismon for years, allowing her to reach the Champion level with her own strength rather than through a partner.


It kinda makes you wonder what would have happened if one of the other Destined Digimon's digieggs were lost instead of hers.

Would we have had a large Togemon or Garurumon following the team like Gatomon did? Her small size made her as inconspicuous as a Rookie but the others are very large Champions. Be kinda hard passing them off as stuffed animals.



Her power as a champion also seemed to be weaker too. She was definitely stronger than the rookies but she doesn't seem like she would be able to take down many other champions on her own. Though we never really got to see much of her truly fighting as Gatomon. She was essentially treated as a rookie and just digivolved to her ultimate form all the time to fight. Though Angeowman seemed more powerful than many of the other ultimate levels.


She took down 5 of the other champions by herself in Gateway to home


She took down 5 of the other champions by herself in Gateway to home

Exactly. In a way, I'd hold Gatomon to a higher regard than the other Champions (sans Angemon). She had physical strength that matched the others while also being very small and difficult to hit. On top of this, her tail ring came with a larger variety of powers beyond just attacking (such as bringing Digimon to life or deflecting negative energy).

Many attribute Gatomon's power to 02 (when she was depowered). But, if we got to see more of her in Adventures, she would have easily proven to be the most useful and skilled Champion.



I guess it was a bit convenient that it was Gatomon who was the one digimon to stay in champion form, but I guess they addressed that in Season 3 by having several characters have large digimon that regularly stayed in champion form. Even the rookie forms of the main characters' digimon, like Guilmon and Renamon, would be hard to pass off as toys. I did like that they made an effort to keep TK's and Kari's digimon from being too analogous, though. Angemon as a champion matched Angewomon as an ultimate, but MagnaAngemon didn't, and once you got to their mega forms, it was a golden angel and a huge "Never-Ending Story" dragon.


I thought it had something to do with her tail ring. But I just read that it makes her stronger like a champion Digimon and without it she is the same as a rookie.

Little Mikey Myers that lived across the street.


She's a Champion with it without her tail ring. It's just without it she's about as strong as a rookie.

She's always in her Champion form because she learned to maintain it.


True. She was champion but always followed the pack around like a rookie. It's amazing how often she hangs out with Patamon and Agumon but being one huge level higher than therm. Kind of like a grown adult hanging out with kids. She's always had the power to maintain it and the weird thing is when she digivolves back from Angewoman, she goes back as champion! Not rookie or even in-training like the other digimon!


I also found it annoying that Gatomon was champion, not because of her size but that she didn't really acted like a champion. She needed to digivolve most times to fight. So only when she goes into ultimate form she would fight. And then when she devolves back, she goes BACK TO BEING CHAMPION!! Who does that?! Everyone else goes back to rookie or in-training but for her, champion?!


idk why they did that and not just make Gatamon her rookie form? maybe it was so she could be a threat before she changed? and her being a rookie beating the team would have made no sense?
