MovieChat Forums > The Matrix (1999) Discussion > The 'Betrayal Scenes' make no sense

The 'Betrayal Scenes' make no sense

First, Cypher's motivations are really not explained. You can live a much better life in the 'real world' than in 'The Matrix', where you give up freedom to be serfs for machines (and your bodily energy will be drained, because you are a BATTERY, so how can you not be always tired?)

I mean, you have 'the Construct' - this combined with the 'woman in the red dress' means you have a BETTER THAN HOLODECK-style 'entertainment capability' where you can spend every free second you have, living your fantasies and dreams in the most realistic way possible. Why would you ever trade this to a 1999 'celebrity life', no matter how glamorous or rich or 'important'? Can you just jump up and fly in euphoric dream clouds in 1999 celebrity reality? No. But you CAN in 'Construct'-type 'anything we need' dreamlife.

Second, the mechanics of the whole thing are shrouded in mystery - you need an operator to bring you in, out and help you, so how is Cypher doing all this by himself?

Third, how does he do it without anyone noticing? Sure, everyone might be asleep, but someone might still walk by and see him plugged in, it's VERY possible! He would get caught immediately!

Fourth, instead of discussing with Morpheus about his grievances, he just betrays and wants to murder everyone? Morpheus is not an a-hole, he's not a dictator, he would listen to you, damnit!

Fifth, the 'coughing' is not explained. Why not? Does the movie want us to think Cypher is coughing accidentally, because of all the dust, or deliberately (if so, how did he plan all the dust stuff anyway)?

Sixth, what kind of plan involves some clueless military men freely shooting at the wall hap-hazardly, not even aiming at anything in particular? Cypher could have EASILY died through this whole 'escape scene' - is this REALLY how he planned things? Could he not have planned something safer? Could he just have stayed with Tank and Dozer or something and sent secret messages to the agents from the ship (he seems to be able to do this sort of thing without problems)?

If you look at this whole 'escape-cough-escape-whoops, I fell-scenario, it makes absolutely no sense! The cops could have killed him like 9 separate times EASILY! It's a MIRACLE he did not get killed during this thing!

It would be better if we at least knew if his coughing was accidental and organic (due to the dust, sand, etc), or if it is part of the whole betrayal thing. I would definitely not do THAT as part of any plan ever, it's just too convoluted and dangerous.

Why is his name Reagan anyway, is this a hint to Ronald Reagan, who WAS an actor and 'an important figure' (though not in 1999)? Did they make him Ronald Reagan? (Would make about as much sense as anything in this movie)

I just can't get over this '..then have your clueless cops shoot at me a lot when I am dangerously climbing down some narrow wet wall escape route and cough, and when I emerge. Just have the cops arrive at the same time and keep shooting indiscriminately and I will just pretend to fall down and then they probably won't shoot me - great plan, LET'S DO THAT!'-stuff.

I mean, why can't the agents know 'where they are', when they are in the wet walls, if this was Cypher's plan all along? Did he modify the plan on-the-fly and just decide to IMPROVISE the dangerous coughing?

If Cypher is such a betrayer and they already had this plan, why wouldn't the agents know EXACTLY where they are? How can 'The Matrix' not know where some player is inside of it anyway?

The more I think about this 'betrayal' stuff, the less almost any detail seems to make any sense.


Please stop writing, if it was up to me your posts would have been deleted and you would have been banned forever


Doesn't the whole concept of "humans as battery's, controlled by machines" not make any sense?

Although, I have to admit, that aspect of the plot is a head scratcher.

When you think about it.

But it's a MOVIE! You're not supposed to "think" about it.

Apparently you spend A LOT of time thinking about it!


BEWARE! Avortac4 is a troll trying to waste everyone's time with such idiotic comments. Look at his posts. He doesn't think anything in any film makes sense. His post may seem like it makes sense in the first sentence or two. But he always quickly wanders off into a completely idiotic idea, and then writes a wall of text that makes no sense. And his sole purpose is to waste your time, thinking he's cute for doing so. Don't feed the troll. If you write a comment, you're giving this troll EXACTLY what he wants. Don't comment after my comment.


Cyphers motivation is explained in every scene that he is in. He said if I knew then what I know now I would’ve taken the blue pill paraphrasing of course. And he tells agent smith that ignorance is bliss. The fake life is better than the real life other than the knowledge that it isn’t real, so he wants to go back.

You also say that he is free, but cypher disagrees. He is part of Morpheus crew, so he does what he say.

How he gets in and out on his own is a legitimate plot hole though. We Don see Neo walk up on him right before this, and he seems startled.

The plan seems reckless, because the machines only cared about getting Morpheus. We don’t know for sure they they were going to hold up Their end of the bargain. So if they killed him in the process, so be it.
