Philos Blu-ray

This movie represents a modern-era social investment in colloquializing and marketing ideas about networking, travel, and dialogue.

American comic book characters such as Doctor Octopus (Marvel Comics), Scarecrow (DC Comics), Green Arrow (DC Comics), and Captain America (Marvel Comics) reflect this trend in art in creating images of sophistication, behavior formalization, targeting, and profiteerism.

Leo's cameo in "Celebrity" (1998) as a bratty Hollywood (USA) movie titan actor whose wild lifestyle reveals America's splurge with meandering iconography reveals why Woody Allen was interested in creating a 'vignette' of capitalism-culture photojournalism pedagoguery.

A Blu-ray of "Celebrity" (1998) is arguably representative of new age pedestrian entertainment.

The storyboard themes in "Celebrity" (1998) are not unlike those presented in Woody Allen's "Stardust Memories" (1980) and Frederico Fellini's "La Dolce Vita" (1960), but the glassy look of this black-and-white film (a nice directorial decision) is more akin to the work of Jean-Luc Goddard.


Fellini's "La Dolce Vita" (1960):

Woody Allen (Blu-ray):

