MovieChat Forums > Face/Off (1997) Discussion > Joan Allen one of the biggest miscasts o...

Joan Allen one of the biggest miscasts of all time

Are you telling me someone like Castor Troy would find her attractive in any way? He’d be gone the first night


Jeanne Tripplehorn would have been preferable.


That ludicrous choice broke my suspension of disbelief.


Co-producer Terence Chang wrote in his 2023 memoir: "Some people said that it would be better to change the character into a stepmother and find a young, beautiful and sexy actress! At the same time, other people said that if this was the case, the impact of the drama would be greatly reduced. When we were in Los Angeles, I tried my best to find many actresses but they were not suitable, so I went to New York to look for one. Ang Lee was in New York working on The Ice Storm, and he strongly recommended to us his leading lady, Joan Allen, who had finished filming The Ice Storm. We met her, we felt very good, returned to Los Angeles and convinced Paramount to use her."


Hey, she was great in The Ice Storm.
Which is an awesome reson not to cast her in Face/Off.


It's just that Joan Allen has "bitch face and attitude". Same with Walter White wife. So even when they are being on the right side and are victims - you just don't like them. And it's actresses are at fault.

I don't like Joan Allen in any her roles. She is always Intense.
