MovieChat Forums > Deep Rising (1998) Discussion > Did anyone else think Leila was hot?

Did anyone else think Leila was hot?

Her strange British-esque accent was a little annoying, but she was attractive and tough. And I loved how she changed her top out in the open without caring.


She didn't have a British me I'm British and know how we speak.


"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful"


Ye she definitely wasn't british. Not sure where she was from really. Definitely hot but seemed a bit of a weak actress and probably the reason they killed her off


She most definitely spoke with a British accent, by way of Hong Kong. Not all people with British accents are from England, and colonial "English" accents vary widely. Her accent is SO Hong Kong it's unmistakeable, despite her ethnic Korean heritage.


They don’t kill off characters because the actor ends up being weak. They write the script first and cast an actor to play it. And I thought she was a good actress.


Maybe it was British-ish?


Definitely hot, hotter than Famke Janssen in my opinion. I thought Joey was very lucky to be with her.


hotter than Famke Janssen in my opinion.

I agree.


Than Famke? Hell no.



If they ever come up with a sequel they'd damn better find a way to bring her back.



Yes. Also, she's Dutch, not British. You have a very peculiar idea of accents, OP


certainly HOT - her accent did indeed sound british - though more along the lines of that contrived "british uppercrust/american newsanchor" combo that many hot asian girls are schooled in... especially if they went to a "western" boarding school... tally ho!!


She was very sexy IMO.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.


Yeah she was bangin shame we didn't get to see her breasts though.


She was born in South Korea and now lives in the US. So nothing to with GB or the Netherlands :-)


Given that the movie was rated R, you would think they would have at least given us a tease like a nipple flash or something.


If I'm honest, I think they cut at least 2 instances of potential nudity from the film.

There's the scene at the start where Leila is putting on dry clothes. There's quite some jump cut where I'm fairly sure the censors removed boobage.

Likewise when Famke's character was changing.


*raises hand*


She was definitely a babe.


Asian's are hot


yea she was definitely a hottie
are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite


There was definately a British twang in her accent, though it seemed to bounce all over the place, Korean at one point, then English, possibly even Australian.

In any case, her death in this was a bit lame


She made reference to 'no petrol getting through to the engines'. How many people in American refer to it as 'petrol'?? They always say 'gas'. Also she said 'kick your arse' not 'ass'. Definitely of British origin.


Una Damon was kind of just showing up in stuff between this and the 2000s. Then just kind of stopped.
