MovieChat Forums > Deep Rising (1998) Discussion > one single terrible flaw

one single terrible flaw

Kevin J. O'Connor. Lousy, irritating non-comical "comic relief/sidekick", just a hippy-ized version of the equally horrid character "Beni" he played in the first Brendan Fraser Mummy film. I've seen the guy act, he's okay in other stuff, but his quavering-quivering, "loveable coward" character should have been left on the cutting room floor. Seriously, it is because of O'Connor's character that I will never again view this otherwise cute, gross, and funny movie.


I have to agree. I saw this back in 1998 and today I still cannot forget about how the movie was marred by his worthless presence, which is extra sad since the rest of it was a rather fun ride. I was hoping for him to be caught by the monster and to be ripped into a hundred bloody chunks of meat from the moment his character was introduced. I think this was one of the first movies that demonstrated to me just how unbearable the comical sidekicks can be. I cannot remember one I actually liked, but in this movie it really ****ed things up.


Personally, I have to disagree. I felt O'Connor was hilarious in this movie, as well as The Mummy. But that's just me.


It is just you, but it's not O'Connor's fault. The director assuredly wanted him to channel Scooby Doo's "Shaggy." Stephen Sommers is the low-brow idiot that makes mindless garbage like this. Don't get me wrong, I don't completely hate the movie, but there's enough wrong with it that ruins it for me.

I see Stupid People...


I'm watching it now and trying to deal with his annoying acting. Horrible casting choice, horrible.


I liked him, too, altho hubby found his voice extremely annoying. He also wanted the guy to meet an early, hopefully gruesone death.


While I find him funny, I can see how other people wouldn't. His comedy requires a certain taste, and not everyone goes for it. And that's fine.


No, his “comedy” requires an audience with no taste whatsoever.


Didn't mind him at all.

He was infinitely more watchable and tolerable than the hijackers, who, to a man, were portrayed as the most stereotypical bunch of always unreasonably angry, showoff "tough guys" drunk on testosterone and acting less like actual criminals and more like what a twelve year old boy thinks badass criminals are like after one viewing of Reservoir Dogs. Literally the only ones I could stand were Hanover (the leader) and the guy who goes "Money, money, money!" before taking an axe to the head.

The rest of them were macho morons whose deaths I found hilariously goofy.

I mean, really, how many times will you look under Jabba's manboobs?


Funny, they were very much stereotypes. I actually thought the one that was caught by the creature swimming was pretty cool though. His line about "I don't wanna sound like a p*ssy..." was funny.

Conquer your fear, and I promise you, you will conquer death.



I loved his character here, his lines are great.

"what stinks in here?"
"ohh the ottoya family.. i was startin to worry"
"you mean we gunna die here cause you SCrewED up on da math??"
