MovieChat Forums > Seinfeld (1989) Discussion > When Did You Become A "Seinfeld" Fan?

When Did You Become A "Seinfeld" Fan?

Just curious when you all became a "Seinfeld" fan? I.E.-During it's first run on NBC, on re-runs/syndication, or on DVDs?

I first heard about "Seinfeld" when I was in high-school in the early 1990's. A few of my friends in particular raved about it. I tried watching it at the time, but I just never got into it. A few years later after I graduated H.S. and started college is when my "Seinfeld" fandom began. Around it's second year in syndication in 1996,(holly sht, 20 years ago!), I began to watch it religiously. The good thing was the series was still airing first run eps on NBC at the time, so I still saw the old and new one's. 2 decades later, I'm still watching re-runs almost everyday.

What's your "Seinfeld" origin story?


I was unemployed, renting a bedroom out of my friend's mom's house. One day I went to the local Blockbuster and rented a season 3 DVD. It had The Fix-Up in it. After that I was hooked *grabs onto Rytman's shoe*...and we've been close ever since.


Delta, did you wash this pear?


Yeah. I washed it.


It doesn't look washed........


So...wash it.


Rytman, see the way he talks to me?


I saw a few episodes during its early run, but never quite got into the show. In the summer of 94 while on vacation, NBC aired an extra episode or two a week of reruns. I caught the parking garage, the dinner party and the parking space. All classics, and I was hooked.


It was 1992. I was traveling the Yangtze in search of a Mongolian horsehair vest. I had got to the market after sundown. All of the clothing traders had gone, but a different sort of trader still lurked about. "Just a peek", he said. That was all it took.


I never knew it existed until the next day when everyone was talking about the episode The Contest & how funny it was...By curiosity I caught the re-run that week & I was hook on Seinfeld like a drug ever since 1992...Yeah, well, now you kids don't go out and try that. You stay in school!



Rytman, that is one ripping good yarn.


You like that one? I've got more. What are you looking for? Romance, adventure, erotica?


I was very young. I remember the first time I ever saw any of the show, I got up because I wasn't feeling good and I went into the living room and my parents were watching it. It was The Glasses when Elaine had rabies and she couldn't swallow and Kramer yelled "She's foaming at the mouth!"

The first episode I saw in full was at the hotel when we went on our annual vacation to the shore when we lived in New Jersey. It was The Stand-In. I remember I even quoted it the next day when I was knocked over by a wave and it came out.

I was 8 years old when these episodes originally aired, and I'm pretty sure they were new at the time. I started watching it in syndication shortly thereafter. It wasn't until season 8 started that I was allowed to stay up late enough to watch new episodes, and I don't believe I missed a one for those final two seasons.

"You gotta punch the clock, why don't you punch your boss?"


a little hard to say.
i believe i first became aware of the show around 1992 (i was about 10) when the 3rd season first aired. my very first memory of a seinfeld episode was THE GOOD SAMARITAN's ending (Kramer flipping out upon arriving to his date with Becky Gelke). and though i liked it and caught an episode here and there i did not watch religiously until seasons 6-7 and missed very few episodes from then on. it's only shortly after the show has ended its original run and re-aired (when i was already in my late teens) that i decided to tape all the episodes, catch up on what i've missed and practically learning all the episodes by heart that i became a true die-hard fan.


I first knew about "Seinfeld when I was 7 or 8 in 1992 or 1993. My parents and grandparents were watching "The Shower Head" and I didn't think it was that funny since the humor was too grown up.
I also remember watching the series finale when I was 12 and thinking it was stupid.
My Freshman or Sophomore year in High School in 2000 or 2001 I watched "The Bris" with my dad and thinking that was funny or ridiculous and kind of piqued my interest in the show but I wasn't a full blown fan.
My Senior year in High School in 2003 was when I became a devoted fan was when I watched "The Fusilli Jerry" on TV since there wasn't anything else on. I think all the proctologist jokes were my favorite.
Since then I watch all the reruns when I can and have all the DVDs.


My parents were always fans of it and used to watch it often. I didn't like it when I was really young, but began to love it when I was around 15 or so. I'm only 28, so I was too young to have watched it in its original run, but I got hooked on the reruns in high school!
