MovieChat Forums > DeepStar Six (1989) Discussion > Did anyone else notice the flapping mout...

Did anyone else notice the flapping mouth?

When the creature finally reared its flappy.... I mean, ugly, head?
One side of its mouth was flapping about like a flag in the wind!


altho i didnt notice that particular incident i did however notice that basically any scene with the monster in it looked crappy. it kinda reminded me of those chinese kite/dragons u see in those chinese parades u know what i mean?


I did notice it was bad looking enough altogether, if only they had a better more real looking creature, that would've made the movie better in some aspect.
This one's not worth more than a rental & only if you like underwater movies.


Yeah, the monster is diappointingly cheesy when we finally get to see it. Basically an over grown lobster, big deal.

But....I saw it during its theatrical release. It was in the middle of my exam period in college and I was about to go out of my mind. So I took 2 hours off to watch this. Naturally, I'd have fonder memories of this film than most. It was good for escaping from reality for just a little while.


Did anyone else notice that the size of this monster would change given the situation? First, it swallows a sub (or is at least big enough to destroy it), then it is big enough to bite a man in half (donning a diving armor suit, no less), but then it is small enough to hide in the shadows of several rooms without anyone noticing. I mean come on now, that's pretty damn convenient even for a B-movie horror film like this.

However, when we finally get to see it, it does indeed look fake, but I thought the mouth of it looked menacing. What erked me the most was that during most of the attack scenes, we hardly get to see any of it...and no, not to build the suspense, but probably to hide the fact that the damn thing was little more than two guys flapping their limbs back and forth inside a rubber lobster man costume.


Hating is contagious. That monster is a GOD!


Yeah, Plus the monster survives getting nuked not once but twice, but dies because of a gas explosion. LAME

I didn't mind the monster that much, it was the laziness in the plot and the stupidity of characters that bothered me more.


Several things that made the movie pretty terrible. The monster also had no need to decompress, so I guess it's some kind of magical creature. Where's the unicorns? 2nd on the fact it seems to change size. Seems Hollywood likes things that have mouths that open in 5-6 sections, even though in a biological sense, nothing would have a mouth like that due to problems chewing/swallowing. I guess realism takes a backseat. How about the guy who exploded from not decompressing in the pod. At no time during the movie did he indicate any kind of mental breakdown, until he had flashes of the people who died right before he ran to the pod. But several times they all look at him like they expect him to go crazy throughout the movie. Did the writers go on strike? This movie actually recieved a single star, even though many other movies that are far better didn't even get one. Who was kissing whose ass? This movie sucked, through and through, and it felt like sandpaper. I feel chaffed.



Bah...Speakin' frankly,i found this movie (and many other monster movies of the 80s-90s) pretty cool.

And the monster rocks,even if it's basically a giant,mutated lobster with a Graboid-esque mouth ;)


[ Seems Hollywood likes things that have mouths that open in 5-6 sections, even though in a biological sense, nothing would have a mouth like that due to problems chewing/swallowing. ]

Seems someone has never seen a praying mantis or locust...


Obviously this is a bad film, but I don't know why that would be news to anyone. You should look at this movie like the B-movie it is. Surely you didn't expect it to be good..?

In any case, I agree with everything you said except the thing about the character who dies from lack of decompression. Earlier in the film he has a checkup with the doctor and that scene is supposed to imply (or foreshadow) that he isn't comfortable in their underwater mission anymore. He requested that she found a health reason to use as an excuse to get him out of there and back to the surface. We are to assume maybe that he is no longer mentally stable enough to be down there.

I'm not a control freak, I just like things my way


Reminded me of that singing plant in that musical, little shop of horrors.


"Pffft, my suspension of disbelief has higher standards than that"


Yep,One scene it was about the same size as a fire extinguisher.


When i saw the title to this post, i assumed you were referring to Miguel Ferrer who has a mouth similar to that of a fish.
Brilliant casting choice i think, considering the movie.

Otherwise, yeah, the flapping creature mouth was just sloppy makeup effects. At some point during filming, that cinematic great Sean S Cunningham probably saw it and said "Screw it...who cares...but i see Greg Evigan's hair looks a little mussed in that scene".

I love the 80's.


terrible low budget rip off of alien and probably abyss too
