MovieChat Forums > Mask (1985) Discussion > How did rocky die on bed? Anyone?

How did rocky die on bed? Anyone?

I like this movie and ending make me sad. Anyone know how did he die?


His disease killed him.
The constant growing of his skull kept putting pressure on his brain & spinal cord.
Eventually it became too much, and killed him.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


The night before, he went to bed early because he wasn’t feeling well. I think the film implies that his condition killed him.

He had already outlived the life expectancy for someone with his condition, and throughout the film, he said his headaches were getting worse.


In real life, Rusty didn't find Rocky's dead body; she was at her lawyer's working out details for beating a drug bust she says was a mistake. Her then-lover and later third husband, Bernie, called her at the lawyer's office with the news.
