MovieChat Forums > The Giant Spider Invasion (1976) Discussion > PG rating with a topless scene???

PG rating with a topless scene???

How did this film ever get a PG rating with a topless scene in it (however brief)??? Especially since she looked underage to begin with.


Guess some nudity wasn't R enough at the time.

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I have just watched it again,the first time since i originally saw it at the cinema in 1975-76.It dawned on me whilst watching,that this is the film that had always stuck in my mind,but could not think of the name,other than big spiders were in it.Do you know how old i was when i saw it then,i must of only been 6-7,i remember going with Peter and Diane,my elderly(to me then anyway)babysitters on a Saturday afternoon.
I would not of thought they would of let ones so young as me in,but i definitely watched it at the cinema when it came out.I loved horror movies then and still do now.

And we went to Woolworths first to get our sweets,pick 'n' mix,damn site cheaper than the cinema.


Topless wasn't enough to qualify a film for an R rating. I can think of a lot of films that had topless nudity and were PG. I think if it was just a glimpse, or in a non-sexual situation, PG was OK. R was for sexual situations.


In the 1970s PG films were allowed to have harder material right up through into the 1980s with films like Sixteen Candles (since there was no in-between rating like PG-13 yet). There were plenty of PG films like Logan's Run, The Manitou, and Mahler (to name a few) that had topless scenes, and cussing was not such a big deal (a good example was Stingray)... some PG films have since been upgraded to PG-13, but many have just retained their original rating. Just look at all the butt shots and mild cussing in the original Planet Of The Apes, and that was just a G-rated film!


Airplane! is PG and it has a topless scene too. Two things I think going on here:

1. Back then there wasn't a PG-13, it went from PG straight to R so more stuff was allowed in PG movies that wouldn't fly today, which brings me to

2. America has gotten more uptight and conservative when it comes to nudity in movies than in decades past. The rest of the world looks at us as a little skewed by having more of a tolerance for blood and violence than sexual situations.


Yeah, I think you're right. I mean, "Jaws" featured a shadowed full frontal nude scene in the beginning when the first girl got eaten, so I think you have a point there.


That's when the MPAA was a little more lenient. Now it is run by a bunch of over-the-top right wingers that want nothing but family friendly BS to occupy to theaters.



Not really. While I'm not the most active watcher of modern films, but some of the Saw films even in their R-rated cuts are far more graphic than many 80s slasher films in their uncut form. My Bloody Valentine was heavily cut to get the R and the uncut footage isn't nearly as graphic as some of the Saw or Hostel films.

A lot of the PG-13 films of now would probably get an R in the 80s.

While I do agree on the PC BS out there these days where everyone is offended by everything, but if anything the MPAA allows filmmakers to get away with far more than they did in the 80s and even into the 90s.

Even the 70s had some odd ratings.


The MPAA is much more accepting of violence now than they were in the 70s and 80s, but they're a lot more prudish about sex and nudity. Even profanity.


The rating system has always been quite odd in particular the 70s/80s. Even Grizzly was PG and while not a splatter film, but had some decent carnage also by William Girdler Day of the Animals and Sheba Baby were PG and again not splatter films but had some decent violence.

Than there were films that had basically zero violence, no nudity or even cursing and obtained an R-rating.


The actress wasn’t underage.

In fact she was fully nude in a movie called Bummer two years before this movie.

I couldn’t find her actual age online though.
