MovieChat Forums > Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed (1970) Discussion > Suggested viewing order for Hammer's Fra...

Suggested viewing order for Hammer's Frankenstein films...

I used to find it frustrating that the Hammer Peter Cushing Frankenstein films didn't all flow in a sequence so I made my own sequence that kind of makes sense if you don't think about it too much. It allows for a viewing of all the films with some coherency - in fact only one film is out of the filmed sequence. This is the sequence:

-Curse of Frankenstein

-Revenge of Frankenstein

-Evil of Frankenstein (this one I view as a dream by Baron Frankenstein which can account for differences in the creature and other elements that do not relate to the backstory as seen in 'Curse').

-Frankenstein Must be Destroyed - assuming that 'Evil of Frankenstein' was a dream then this film is the first to have the Baron damaged by fire. I put the Baron's extreme cruelty in this film down to his personality being altered as a result of the new body he received at the end of 'Revenge'. However, the fire at the end of the film made him look at life differently and he mellowed out a bit for 'Created Woman'.

-Frankenstein Created Woman - makes sense coming after 'Must be Destroyed' because the fire at the end of that movie can explain why the Baron cannot use his hands.

-Frankenstein and the Monster from Hell - continues with the Baron unable to use his hands.

Okay - just a suggestion, but if you have a marathon of watching all these movies again then try them in this order and it feels very satisfying.

Long live the Baron!


I'm a film freak and Hammer mad so I've chossen to take on you marathen challenge, I've seen the film's before and own may own DVD's of them so I'll tell you if your list works, (well for me anyway).


Hi - great and please post afterwards to let us know how it works for you. Before you start have a read of the thread (same title as this one) on the Evil of Frankenstein boards. Have fun.

I'm hungry - you buy lunch!


I've seen all the Frankenstein films before and own a good amount of them but at the moment I'm stuck in the mud cos' HMV don't sell the one I was always going to buy and now need, that one being The Curse Of Frankenstein, I'm still going to take on this 'Frankenstein Quest' just it may take a littel longer.
It may be a more blood and fangs than monster but try this while your waiting:
The Brides Of Dracula
The Legend Of The 7 Golden Vampires
Dracula A.D 1972
The Satanic Rites Of Dracula
(there are other vamp/Hammer films but these are Peter Cushing only in order, and are better)
Did you have a good lunch?


Oh yes - I do like that sequence idea for the Dracula movies. I didn't bother thinking about those as a sequence because I didn't much like Prince of Darkness, Has Risen from the Grave, Taste the Blood Of and Scars Of. I didn't think to link only the Cushing ones - that's great thanks for that. I do like the modern day films and will now only need to buy Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires and I'll do a marathon of your sequence.

By the way, Curse of Frankenstein has not been available in UK as a stand alone disc - it was only in a boxset with Dracula and The Mummy (now long deleted). You could get it cheap on eBay from the US - do you have a multi-region player? Many UK DVD players can be hacked to make them play DVDs from anywhere in the world. If you do not know about this then feel free to PM me with your DVD model make and number and I'll look into the possibilities for you. Alternatively I just bought a Phillips DVD player for my parents for under £30 and within 2 minutes using the remote control I made it so it could play DVDs from any region. Let me know if you want any more specific info about this.

Best wishes.

I'm hungry - you buy lunch!


Just one thing, I don't want to point out what you might clearly see when you look at the film but you will see Cushing play the role of Van Helsing as well as his son and in Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires he plays Van Helsing with someone else younger play the role of his son.

In Dracula A.D 1972 and The Satanic Rites Of Dracula the younger son is now played by Cusing himself but though he has one daughter in both films a different woman plays her in either one.

Can you name there stage names?


