MovieChat Forums > The Mouse That Roared Discussion > Could a remake actually work?

Could a remake actually work?

Could a remake of this movie/novel actually work?

Naturally, a deserted, abandoned New York is inconceivable, so what about our Grand Fenwick soldiers landing somewhere outside the city, a deserted "town", in which Dr Kokintz (and his crew this time, not just his daughter) are working on the Q-bomb. The "top secret" research institute is in this mock abandoned town, just for the safety of the general population, should during tests, the bomb goes awry.

Now we have Grand Fenwick, who, although they do not officially recognize the United States, has been the large market for their wines.

War is declared through letter, whilst protests have been made through the Grand Fenwick ambassador to the United Nations (not Monte Carlo/Monaco), which also serves as their representative to the United States (like North Korea for example).

Fenwick becomes close to bankrupt when the imitation wine Grand Enwick hits the market, sold at a lower price and backed by a vast marketing campaign. In addition, the sheer ability to produce larger quantities then the small nation ever could also plays as a decisive factor.

So we have the same basic story of our soldiers heading to what they think is New York, only to get lost and wind up in the "abandoned" town, outside of the city. They capture Kokintz, his daughter, bomb crew, some police officers and a US General after a decontamination team are alerted to their presence.

"These guys are funny looking, they're wearing medieval clothing and it's not Halloween!" "I better report this to someone!" - make it so that these Americans are somewhat educated.

And so we have the same story continue to it's end. The roles of the Prime Minister, Tully Bascome and the Duchess of course will be played by one man. Some scenes will cleverly have such roles side by side (not simply using the trickery in the original), some even showing all 3.

Can it work? Sure it can. I'd like to see a slightly more modern Fenwick, where the Duchess and the Prime Minister own the only private cars in the whole nation. There's only one petrol station and there's currently only one pub/bar/hotel in the whole Duchy.
