MovieChat Forums > The Twilight Zone (1959) Discussion > Season Four or Season Five?

Season Four or Season Five?

Artistically speaking they're both probably equal. I think though I give the edge to four. Many will disagree but I think stretching a 30-minute show to 60 minutes restored to it some of the novelty it lost over the course of three long seasons; it was fun seeing how Beaumont, Serling, Matheson and others adjusted to this new format. True, the 30-minute format is "TZ" 's true format but all aging shows should try something new and kudos to "TZ" for making a valiant go at it.


I accidentally came upon The New Exhibit yesterday morning while starting my day. I was initially surprised it was an hour long and caught about half, maybe slightly more of the episode. If I had had seen it's entirety, maybe I would have enjoyed it more.

I thought the actors portraying wax figures was very well done, convincing. The most chilling part for me was the incredibly evil, gloating eyes of Jack the Ripper, which the camera seemed to focus upon more than the others.


You should finish it because the explanation for why it's called "The New Exhibit" is brilliant.


Actually, I did finish it; it's the first part I missed. The title is good writing but not necessarily brilliant.


It's pretty brilliant for Season Four.


You'd almost undoubtedly have enjoyed it more had you seen the entire episode, db. Of the 18 1 hour episodes, "The New Exhibit" is definitely among the best.


I'm aware it has a very good rating. I've already stated what I thought were its positives. I also have my negative perceptions.


Ratings be damned, first of all. Your initial comment indicated that you’d seen about half of “The New Exhibit.” Had your statement been clearer to begin with, the latter comments very likely wouldn’t have come. I know for damned sure I wouldn’t have bothered. Be that as it may, whatever opinions you have of “The New Exhibit” are your own, to which you’re more than entitled. Nobody from what I saw ever questioned that. It really boils down to the simple fact that some of us are quicker typists than others, and these boards aren’t always the quickest at refreshing.


I enjoyed most of season 4. Season five is inconistant. It goes good and bad for a few episodes. The ending is very weak.


I wish you hadn't bothered. Your pissy, uppity attitude is completely unwarranted.


Season Five has more than its share of duds, but anything is better than Season Four, which has no redeeming value whatsoever. Maybe I just need to watch them again, but as I remember them, the hour-long episodes ALL felt far too drawn out with time-consuming "filler" and were without any new or interesting ideas to add to the series.
