MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Let's get a count of who loves Trump as ...

Let's get a count of who loves Trump as President of the US

Let's get a good clean count, before this board shutdowns on who is happy Donald Trump is your Commander-in-chief, why and what policies you think he will make happen for the better good of the US...

And who don't like him and why....

And no bickering please.....

We are not alone


He won and that's good enough for me.


Love THE DONALD. He is NOT PC which is great.


not going to say i love the guy but like what he has done and hope he keeps up the good work..

things i like or hope to see in no particular order..

more jobs
border wall
crackdown on illegals
crackdown on sanctuary cities
better protection from islamic extremists
fixing the obamacare mess
defund PP
eradication of isis

that enough for now..


defund PP
Yes, PLEASE defund Planned Parenthood!


Horrible president
Great entertainer

I'm a real kewl kat.🐈


Without hyperbole, can you guys tell me why defunding planned parenthood is important to you? Don't they do a lot of good for women?

Legitimately interested in a discussion here. Not name calling or talking points from the right or left.


i actually like the good things they do for women and wish they had stopped being involved in abortions a long time problem is them using the federal money to cover the non abortion related stuff and then being able to focus more donation money on abortion related things..

the fed money gives them to much wiggle room with the usage of their donations 


No, I do not like him as the POTUS.

He is too thin skinned. He needs smart/qualified people around him...then, he needs to consider what those smart/qualified people have to say. He needs to put the U.S. before his own interests (or the interests of his billionaire club that's he's created). He needs to be credible when she says...well...just about anything. Etc.

If vampires hate "plus signs" - imagine how they feel about the "square root" symbol.
