The media

Trump is right. The media is the opposition. In this day and age, the media are our true patriots. They seem to be the only voice the American people have that are willing to call Trump out on his lies. He knew about Flynn's dishonesty days before it was uncovered. He only got rid of him when the press found out. He would still be in office if nobody outside the White House knew. He has the nerve to flatter Flynn while blaming the press for Flynn's demise. It's obvious that Flynn while no hero was simply covering for Trump and possibly Pence's dealings with the Russians. It's so funny that the Russians and Trump expect the American people to be stupid enough to believe their denials. Well hold on, the 60 some odd million who voted for Trump may. Most Americans have been uneasy ever since November. The only happy Americans are those who are blind to the feelings of their fellow citizens. It's so comical that Trump has the audacity to start a 2020 campaign when the White House is burning down around his feet.


Flinn is a inherited problem


You can't blame Obama for this. President Obama fired Flynn in 2014. Trump didn't care about Flynn's past and put him into a position that does not require approval by the Senate. This is Trump's fault. Not Obama's. Not Hillary's. Not the media's.


Ara, these little snots just love to criticize Obama and they know nothing to very little about him. On the other hand, with all the issues that Trump is having, they are just fine with it.


I wish you guys criticized and fact checked every little detail when Obama was president. He spun bad news like a top and the media and the left considered it case closed. People are more interested in the hypocrisy by the left, not trying to give Trump a break. I don't even like the guy but to see the left and the media back from their 8 year vacation unloading on stupid stuff makes me support him more.

"At the end of the day - it was his call to make. Not yours. So deal with it"


I'm sure if there were a guidebook on how to be a dictator, there would be a whole chapter devoted to discrediting all sources of media except your own in the eyes of the public.


Trump is the ultimate divide and conquer puppet president.

Hillary VS Trump - Feminists VS Chauvinists - the illusion of choice.

Black VS White - all these hate fuelling films released approaching elections 'Birth of a nation', '12 years a slave' etc

Left VS Right - although they basically want the same thing ultimately.

The US government is behind the following acts of terrorism...

1945 bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
(Deaths 185,000 civilians with only 5% military death toll).
Proof exists that they knew this was largely a civilian populated city. They also planned to nuke many more cities of Japan and had a long list. After Hiroshima, Japan was in the process of surrender when they dropped their second message to Russia/experimented on Nagasaki.

1993 bombing of World Trade Center.
(Deaths 6) (attempted mass murder of ten of thousands, planning to collapse WTC1 into WTC2)

Oklahoma city bombing.
(168 deaths)

2001 9/11 demolition of 3 World Trade Centers and a specific office block of the Pentagon and slaughter/disappearance of plane passengers and crew.
(Deaths 2,977)

2016 New York and New Jersey bombings September 17-19.
Strategic bomb scares with the intention of recreating 'terrorist' fear in Americans.
(Attempted murder of 35, no Deaths)

2017 The US Government will nuke it's own soil and it will be the American civilians who perish for their corrupt governments agenda to achieve NWO.

The US Military will immediately strike it's intended target and World War 3 will begin.


You have hit the nail on the head MMMissKee with your post! ITA with every word you've said. Trump is destroying this country and the office of President. Trump is so into himself that its sickening. It's a good thing his nose doesn't grow with every lie he makes😀


Trump like all presidents are mere puppets. It's the men behind the curtain you have to worry about.
