MovieChat Forums > Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Discussion > Here's why I don't trust you, pal

Here's why I don't trust you, pal

You are from a powerful political dynasty known as the Kennedy's who got rich smuggling liquor during the Age of Prohibition in the 1920s. Your family has a very long history of career politicians, nepotism, connections to the mafia, insider trading, crony capitalism, murder, affairs, and even instances of serious cover-ups.

I don't care what political party you claim to be a part of, you come from one of the slimier families in Washington D.C, and chances are, every promise you make will have you doing to opposite, just like your ilk are famous for in the US govt. You'll pretend like you're gonna make a difference, that you care about us peasants who vote for you. But based on what I've seen, you probably could care less about us, and are being used to trick Republican voters who don't like Trump, but refuse to vote Democrat. You're part of the Uniparty, pal, and I don't trust anyone who is part of the Establishment over there, no matter what their party affiliation. You're all rotten to the core and have been lying to the American people for years, and you're not gonna change. You're just another Swamp Creature with an attractive mask.

So you'll forgive me if you keep spouting campaign promises that fall on deaf ears. I trust your kind about as far as I can throw you.


I appreciate the thought out explanation. Maybe he will address some of this? I hope that he does.

So you think he's a wolf in sheeps clothing?


Don't you find it a tad suspicious that a guy who came from a family that's well known to firmly be in the Democrat camp to suddenly run on the Republican side?

I'm afraid most of the new "Republican" candidates they keep shelling out are stooges from Washington, or people who don't stand a chance in a national election like this. Washington is full of RINO's, fakers who are Republican In Name Only, and play along with Democrats to screw over America. Quite a few are World Economic Forum whores/puppets who do whatever that cabal tells them to, rather than working in the American Peoples' best interests.

I used to not understand why they would just stand by and let the Democrats do whatever they wanted...until I realized that they were in on the scam, reaping the same benefits as the "other side." Much of what you see over there is political theater. There technically are no "Republicans" or "Democrats." All we have over there is the Establishment, the Uniparty, that pretends to have two sides pitted against each other, when in fact, they're all on the same team and tricking voters in every election. It's one of many reasons our elections have never had someone from a third party ever win the presidency; because the Uniparty rigged the game a long time ago to only allow a Democrat or a Republican win, never an Independent.

Trump's only real "crime" was ripping the curtain away and revealing to the American People who the real liars and scammers are.


He's also not running on the Republican side, just that Republicans are not that bright and they like RFKjr. more than Trump.


Don't you find it a tad suspicious that a guy who came from a family that's well known to firmly be in the Democrat camp to suddenly run on the Republican side?

He’s not running as a republican he’s running as an independent. He announced his candidacy as a democrat, but democrats hated him and Labeled him a conspiracy theorist because he’s not out there towing the party line. He was more popular with republicans than democrats despite being a democrat. The reason is that His politics are all over the place, which probably means he is being honest.


He has no chance at winning. The game is rigged so that nobody other than a Republican or a Democrat can win the Presidential elections. Either he is delusional in thinking he'll be the first Independent candidate to win, or his sole purpose is to steal votes from someone else. I've seen that trick before.


or his sole purpose is to steal votes from someone else. I've seen that trick before.

Ralph Nader? Ross Perot?


Yes. I saw it happen with Ross Perot, though to be fair, looking back, Bob Dole was a monotone-talking moron. He probably would have made a terrible Republican president. Trouble was, many people were so angry at Clinton in the mid-90s for humiliating America on the international stage with lying about his stupid affair, and getting away with it when attempts to impeach him ended with a pardon. Many voters wanted to get rid of him using the next election, but the Democrats were ready with a trick they no doubt read about from when Roosevelt and Taft ran against each other in the late 1800s. It worked, and Slick Willy got a second term.


The game is rigged so that nobody other than a Republican or a Democrat can win the Presidential election

You can thank Lincoln and the dispersed Whig Party for this...


Really? That's too bad. I keep wanting to blame both parties for this.

At least in other countries, political parties outside the larger ones sometimes have a chance at winning elections. However, as we saw with Seattle and Canada, that sort of "benefit" is a double-edge sword.


Read up on the Whig Party.... The Whig Party being forced out of existence is what created the modern day Uniparty.

Lincoln was a member of the Whig Party. When the Whigs dispersed, the majority members became Democrats(thus ending the Party of Jefferson)...and Lincoln formed the Republican party.


Yeah, mom told me years ago that before we had the Democrats and Republicans, we had two different political parties that started with the 13 original colonies (leftovers from the two major political parties over in England in the 1700s). One group was loyal to the king, the other wanted independence and self-sufficiency. I can't remember which party stood for what, but the whigs were one of the leftovers from the Revolutionary era.

I'll take a closer look, thanks :)


You guys are fucking hopeless.


But why?


The shit you post is utterly delusory.






lol, sweet meltdown


> the Kennedy's who got rich smuggling liquor during the Age of Prohibition in the 1920s.

That's not true.

Kennedys were good for this country all in all.




In simple terms; control opposition and gatekeeper for the Deep State.

He is certainly no JFK, they assassinated him for trying to expose them.


JFK wasn't a perfect man, but at least he pushed NASA to get us on the moon.


♫♫ And the worms ate into his brain!! ♫♫

-Pink Floyd


Pardon me, I keep hearing about the worm/brain thing with this guy, but I don't know what everyone's talking about. What's the scoop on that?


RFK had a parasite in his brain... it ate a bit of it. We're probably taking like miniscule amounts of actual brain matter.

But most people are dumb as rocks and they will assume he was shoving worms up his nose or something.


Well, I'm sorry he had that happen, but obviously he got treatment that stopped it, because he doesn't appear worse for wear. I mean, I've heard Dementia and Alzheimer's doing far worse to the brain than any old parasite, not that RFK is old enough to have either of those conditions yet. Everyone just always assumes it'll be like in sci-fi movies, cartoons, and comic books, but frankly, it can't be that bad if it's so rare and easily treatable.


He has tremendous love for Israel. He breeds, eats and sleeps Jew. He love for them is unparalleled. For him Israel is #1 and that is why we need him as president.


He does seem to be down with the murder of children.

Maybe it's the worm talking.


He's very down with killing children when the Jew does it! Not so much if it happened here and the goyim pull the trigger.
