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Teacher fired for teaching kid to think for himself

It's crazy. He didn't lead him or push any ideology or opinion on him. He simply had a conversation and let the kid come to a conclusion on his own. Teachers being condemned for teaching freedom of thought is a testament to how royally fucked up are educational system has become.


Nobody is allowed free thinking.

You must pick a side!


I never cared much for Rowling other than her ability to get people reading but damn, I like her more and more every day.

As for that teacher, his hair wasn't died purple, he wasn't wearing a rainbow flag - looks fine to me.


So based on that video, I don't see any reason why he should be fired. But...I am curious as to what else was said in the video. The news clip shows an edited version of it, and I haven't looked up what the whole video entails. I also don't know what other videos night have been in that class, and if there is or isn't a problem. It is possible to lead to people to a conclusion one wants by asking leading questions. I don't know if that happened here. I'm not saying he did that. I'm just curious if there was anything like that could have happened.

I do think that education should include more critical thinking education. How to think for yourself. If that's all that happened here, I hope that teacher gets hired somewhere else really soon.


I'm serious when I say this, but this Country, the United States of America as we once knew it is going down the shitter and that's all I'll say without dissolving into Politics


I think the school that fired him was a high school he was teaching at, not the college where the video was filmed.

He has a pinned comment on a YouTube video he posted:

Pinned by Warren Smith - Secret Scholar Society
3 days ago (edited)
I should make clear this has nothing to do with Emerson College (where I still teach part time).

I'm not sure what to make of that. It's possible the high school fired him because of the video that was filmed at the college, which would be incredibly disconcerting if true. It's also possible he was fired for something unrelated, or only tangentially related.


How do rules here even WORK? How do you get fired for something of THAT magnitude, no, seriously?


Nope! I'm not buying it.

Did he have permission from both the high school and the underage students' parents for using them in his videos?

Article says:
"His removal was allegedly due to a breach of trust"

"Smith feels that his YouTube videos... are the reason behind his termination."

I believe there's more to this story that we're not hearing. The school hasn't said anything about why he was fired, therefore the story is one-sided, speculative and biased until we learn more.

BTW, critical thinking skills lesson is fine, but it needs to be used instead of jumping to conclusions about his firing.

Film major who couldn't find job in the industry. Now, he has 15 minutes of fame to self-promote.


Is that like this? ( from June, 2023 NY Post)

Teacher faces sacking after reading Australian book with non-binary character to class
