MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Come on, folks! If you build it, they w...

Come on, folks! If you build it, they will come!

We're still on the ground floor here, helping to build, so please contribute to the site. Go find your favorite movies, TV series or whatever and make a new post or reply to an old one. It doesn't have to be earth-shaking, and it doesn't matter if the OP isn't on this site. Just do it, please! I think this is especially important for older movies and TV shows since the newer things will take care of themselves. The more we post, the more replies we'll get, right?


I just posted on The Big Sleep 1946


i think you are right and hopefully the moviechat links will start to show u in google searches for a given movie.


Agreed, let's make this the go-to Imdb replacement film site- without the trolling morons and racists.


Right on!!!!



We're building it! Rome wasn't built in a day, but slowly and surely we'll get there :)


It looks like there is decent momentum building :) If people keep sharing links to moviechat on other social websites not only will it let more people know that this place exists but it will improve the google search results.


I can't "post away" just for the sake of it. I post about movies I've seen recently and still remember enough details about them. Yesterday I posted about the movie I've seen some years ago and when people responded, I was in trouble cause too much time has passed and I forgot too many details to continue the conversation.

And here lies the problem. A person who watched something 10 years ago can't debate it with a person who watched it yesterday. So, I will stick to posting only about recently viewed movies.

This will change once a new popular movie arrives and all the posters watched it recently and it's fresh in their memories.


I didn't mean for people to post just for the sake of it, but I figured it doesn't hurt to encourage people to do more than just read. Maybe convert some lurkers into posters...


I agree (as long as it doesn't turn to spam like a certain troll...), and I have been posting a good deal. The only problem is that sometimes the Trending section moves too fast for people to notice, so then your post gets lost, only to be found if someone searches for that movie or stumbles upon it via the related links.
