MovieChat Forums > Music Awards > There are certain rules that award shows...

There are certain rules that award shows must follow...

... and the VMAs broke 2 last night:

1) The show must end either with a musical performance or with the host (or a presenter if there isn't a host) telling the audience that the show has ended. But last night, after Beyonce's speech, it just ended. There was no closure. It was like Sinead O'Connor's performance in SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE*.
2) The In Memoriam segment must include the name of the person/people and the years they were born and died. If not, then have a presenter talk about them while the photo remains on the screen. But Robin Williams' photos appeared out of nowhere with no explanation and no info. As if an actor and comedian being included in an award show for music videos wasn't weird enough.

Now, my desire to shoot myself when WRECKING BALL won Video of the Year fade away quickly when she let a homeless teen give a speech instead of her. That was very nice. Overall, it was a ceremony free of controversies but not boring. The highlights were Jim Carrey & Jeff Daniels, Jay Pharoah's impersonations, and Taylor Swift almost jumping from the stage. I didn't really like Beyonce's performance though. If you're gonna sing for like 15 minutes, sing your greatest hits. Now, we'll see if the Emmys don't break any rules.

*For those who don't know, she tore up a picture of the Pope, and the director didn't lit the "Applause" sign for the audience, so it ended it complete silence.

Edit: What do you think of this Rolling Stone video about how the audience behaved last night?


THANK YOU. The Beyonce performance ended great, but it didn't feel earned and the performance as a whole was a letdown. The Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award is basically a Lifetime Achievement Award, so why perform songs from your latest album that some fans probably have never heard of??

I look at Justin Timberlake's performance last year as the standard. He went the same length of time, but took us through his entire career. He performed all his hits. Hell, *NSYNC showed up at one point. I think Beyonce should have taken cues from that and her Super Bowl performance last year.

"Long live your idols, may they never be your rivals"


Please, please, take Nikki away from the VMAs. She's horrible. She is like Lil' Kim 2. Put her out to pasture and take her booty shaking ass with her.


She's going to be done in the next two or three years. But she already has a "legacy" in rap, as much as I don't want to admit that.
