MovieChat Forums > Filmmaking Gear > Good Movie Editing Programs?

Good Movie Editing Programs?

Since a few weeks I'm looking out for a new editing program, because my other one is lame and very cheap. It was good for a period to get into the editing basics etc but I want to get higher up with a more profesionnal/semi-pro program.
I was watching the Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 one, but as usual Adobe isn't cheap.
So I've tried it a few days and I liked it but I'm scared to give out that many money for something I might (you never know) don't you anymore in about a year. (Which is very unlikely but its possible). So I've wanted to find some cheaper ones.

So I hope some of you can recommend me some good movie editing programs! Tell me your experience with it if you have some with that program.

Thank alot already!

I'm the best there is in what I do. But what I do best isn't very nice. - Wolverine


Final Cut Pro, but you'll need a Mac. - Trauma. Coming Soon to DVD!


I've read about it but I'm getting a Mac soonly, so thats no problem.
Is it really that good?

I'm the best there is in what I do. But what I do best isn't very nice. - Wolverine


I'm rusty since it's been two years since my last year of film school, but I was ok at it. I wasn't big on doing the other stuff but cutting scenes together. It's got a lot of bells and whistles like green and blue screen effects and such. I worked with it for two of my four years. - Trauma. Coming Soon to DVD!


Thanks for the recommedation! I'll certainly take a look at it :)

I'm the best there is in what I do. But what I do best isn't very nice. - Wolverine



It's open-source. Get it for free from It's a bit strange first, workflow-wise, but once you've got your head around it, you get incredibly fast with it. And it does support a hell of a lot formats! Edit in HD, transcode to MPEG, FLV, whatever.

Update: Also, Shotcut. Available at


Wow, thanks alot! I'll check it out now!

I'm the best there is in what I do. But what I do best isn't very nice. - Wolverine


Blender. Get it for free from

What? Blender is an open source 3D program.
