MovieChat Forums > Crime, Police, Detective, Conspiracy > RIP Columbo star PETER FALK (1927-2011)

RIP Columbo star PETER FALK (1927-2011) ory?id=13922090

Very sad, a real gentleman.


"Just one more thing" was the trade mark line of Inspector Columbo.

The classic series is a tribute to a fine actor though he did a lot of other things too. His role in "Murder By Death" and "The In-Laws" and even in classic television series in the late 1950's and early 1960's like "Have Gun Will Travel" and Alfred Hitchcock and Twilight Zone dot a resume which is loaded with great performances.

Faulk is a true classic and leaves us a wide legacy of material proving how talented an actor he was. I have barely touched his resume here. Columbo is out on DVD's and would highly suggest if you have never watched these shows to go out and get them. The series alone is just one more proof of how great he was.

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