MovieChat Forums > Crime, Police, Detective, Conspiracy > Looking for a good legal drama

Looking for a good legal drama

I know the 2 greats, The Practice and LA Law and was wondering if you know any other good serious legal dramas. No drama/comedies like Ally McBeal, Drop Dead Diva, and Eli Stone. Thanks!

I was not a fan of his chicken work


Boston Legal was supposed to be pretty good.

Oldies like Perry Mason, The Defenders.


Boston Legal is definitely NOT my kind of show, All the characters are so annoying.

I was not a fan of his chicken work


It only lasted 1 year but Conviction on NBC was great. Justice on Fox was ok to.


Justice is what turned me on to legal dramas. I miss that show.

I was not a fan of his chicken work


check out Shark I think there is only 2 seasons but its pretty good.

Sebastian Stark is an L.A. hot-shot lawyer, who leaves his lucrative career as defender of rich criminals to join the public prosecution under the District Attorney.

think it was supposed to be a courtroom answer to early House still pretty good and James Woods is awesome as shark.

"60 percent of the time, It works every time..."


You mentioned it in your original post...but The Practice, to me, is the best legal drama there was! The last season (story wise) wasn't all that great, but James Spader was fantastic. It was a really intense show. You said you don't like shows like Boston Legal...but for me, that's next in line. It was a dramedy, but it had such awesome writing and the whole cast was so good.

Check out my movie/TV review blog over at


Not really. Boston Legal ruined the final season of The Practice for me. I cant stand james Spader or that character.
