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Movie Theater Policy Trailers

You know the pre-show things they show in movie theaters familiarizing you with the theater rules (no talking, smoking, littering, etc.). Have to say I really love these and kind of think there's sort of an art form in them in all honesty. I guess the current ones don't really affect me in the same way vintage ones do though (I think with CGI technology advances they loose the (in some cases), cheesy retro graphics and such that is so much of the appeal to me).

Now I've been able to find a bunch of cool ones online (mostly via YouTube), but there's one in particular that I'd love to be able to see again more easily. It's classic Hollywood based one and shows characters and actors from a bunch of different studios in motion graphics form. I believe it begins with Marilyn Monroe (the iconic SEVEN YEAR ITCH pose and dress naturally) and goes onto show such icons as Sean Connery as James Bond (he shoots something and a laser like sound effect plays) and Errol Flynn as Robin Hood telling you not to smoke by shooting an arrow right through a cigarette. Now I know these things are probably hard to find online, but I have the feeling it could be out there if I somehow use the right search keywords. Don't recall what theater chain/company it belonged to, but it does say in it that it was made by a company in Boston, MA. I can probably just visit the theater where it plays again, but I'd like to be able to watch the thing on-demand at home. Anyone have a lead on this?

P.S.: I hear there's a similar one out there that is Universal Monsters based. Would love to locate that one too if it's out there.

Thanks in advance!


Their "don't text and drive" playing like 5 times before Lone Ranger got pretty old. We get it.
