MovieChat Forums > Teen Films > Favorite teen BItch

Favorite teen BItch

In almost every single teen flick there is the Typicall sexy and popular bitch

Which one is your favorite

mine is Mertuil because it was based on a character that already existed but in a different period, it's really interesting who the director of Cruel Intentions adapted such a mean woman into a lighter queen B.


Mine is Tricia Wilkes off Bad Kids Go To Hell! No one probably has a freaking clue what im talking about but i loved the Graphic Novelįƒ¦ its really awesome.the characters in it are so unique,rich and diverse..and these kids are really REALLY BAD! lol and it was actually turned into a movie last summer.
but yeah..check it out when you can!

My top pick would prob have to go to Heather Chandler off Heathers(:


The bitch from Pretty in Pink. You know, Steff's girlfriend? She was so mean to Andie at school and at the party. Also, the beeotch from Sixteen Candles. She was a work of art. Really crazy too.

Watch it!


ive liked karen jackson thruout all of shamless [us version] she really screwed over alot of people in season 2


Cordelia Chase, although she is not from a teen movie but from a teen TV series. I always loved that she is probably the only teen bitch in movie and TV history that got such a deep character development from your everyday high school teen bitch to a kind almost Messianic adult character.


Aly from 'Pretty Little Liars'
Heather Chandler from 'Heathers' (1988)


Regina George from Mean Girls and Katherine from Cruel Intentions.



totally agree!!


YES I was literally dying to mention Regina George.
Because I mean, this one time, she punched me in the face.

