MovieChat Forums > Short Films > Short seen on TV in the 1950's

Short seen on TV in the 1950's

I've been trying to remember details about a short film I remember seeing several times on TV as a kid in the 1950's. The recollection is more than a little fuzzy, but here is what I remember.

It was comedy. I think there was a party going on in a house. The house was perhaps set up with many rooms, one behind the other. There is some kind of secret being passed from one person to another, or maybe one person was trying to discover the secret by moving through the house talking to many people. It was all very mysterious. In the end, the 'big' secret was a recipe.

Much of my description may be very wrong, but I think of this periodically. I don't know why it has stuck in my memory all these years, but it has. I would love to clarify the actual details, and, obviously, see it again.


You've got it right , ET ! If I remember right , it is exactly how you described it . It was a clever and involving continuous track through rooms and groups . But trying to remember when I saw it ? Certainly many decades ago . I'm sure I have seen it in black&white , and possibly in color . I don't know where you could get any info on it now ? Possibly mention it on the I Need To Know message board here ?


Wow, paislene, I had little hope of a reply, much less from someone who has seen it. I will try the other section you mentioned. I'd really like to solve this.


Been mulling on this .. the problem being there are a few different similar but opposing shorts . There is an American version as well as a British version by different directors , which makes it confusing . There was an old british comedian called Norman Wisdom who trademarked a following camera a lot in his comedies . But there are a number of American comedy versions , and the technique was used in drama sometimes too .






Bump. Could it have been a Pete Smith Special?
