MovieChat Forums > Politics > The walls are closing in! This time for ...

The walls are closing in! This time for sure!

The so-called “hush money case” just completely fell apart as the Democrat party coached key witness just admitted under oath to committing grand larceny against the Trump organization.


In the history of the world has there ever been a bigger group of corrupt losers than the Democrat party, its media rectum, and their braindead lemming ass lickers?


We got him now. lol

Grand Larceny in the 2nd degree is a felony without any elevations.

Bragg indicted the wrong person. His career is over.


I wish I could be as sanguine. Truly, what are the odds that a negro DA in NYC sees his career ended because he charged Donald Trump with anything? He'll keep failing his way to DIE paradise. I see a run for the governorship in his future.


Bragg has downgraded felonies for criminals who continue to commit crimes without the media covering it.

This case is national and will bring a spotlight on him. Part of these trials is to expose “them.”


He’ll run for Senate as a Democrat and win.


And leftist morons will never see all this as the political witch hunt it always was. The brainwashing is strong.


Yes they have now been caught manufacturing evidence just for the press in the other case, it will be interesting to hear the leftists explain that one.


the walls man the walls! reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
